Mar 04 2014

Merciful and Fruitful

Published by at 8:45 am under 50 Days of Transformation,John,Matthew

I’m reminded of the small fruit tree in my backyard.  It was placed there because a gardener said in order for the tree to bear fruit, it has to be under the sun.  The more sun it gets, the more fruit it bears.  I’m part of a tree of life, God’s perfect life.  I’m just a vine, a branch, but I have the potential to bear a lot of fruit (John 15:5).  I will bear fruit if I’m constantly under Son of God’s light.  Jesus is my nourishment. Jesus is the reason I grow.

One way Jesus taught me to be fruitful is to show mercy and grace, like what He did to me.  My life is not safe unless I give it to Him.  As part of God’s family, we are commanded to love one another.  Therefore, I must show that same grace and mercy to others (Matthew 5:7).

Thank God for His mercy!

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