Archive for September, 2010

Sep 23 2010

Telling God Exactly What I Want

Published by under Luke,Romans

Many times when I pray, I always wander off and talk to God about “world peace”, “healing”, and “forgiveness”.  Another words, I always talk in generality.  God knows exactly what I need or want, so I really don’t have hide around those vague words.  I should just come out and say exactly what I want!

Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”
“Lord, I want to see,” he replied.

Luke 18:40-41

“Lord, I want to see.”  Right to the point!  Expect a miracle.  Have faith!

Lord, I want a baby boy!  Lord, I want my parents to live another 30 years!  Lord, I want this bad back to heal!

Romans 8:32 said, there’s nothing God won’t do for me.  He already gave His only Son for me!

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