Mar 10 2014

Humility and Healing

This world taught me that I’m the center of my own universe.  I’m the god of my own destiny.  I’m the master of my world.

Of course, this teaching is wrong!

Eventually, I will die. Where will I end up? Space dust? All of that love, knowledge, and experiences – POOF, gone!  But I’m glad I know Jesus because He offered me grace and I took it!  I now have an everlasting life promised to me after I’m dead. I now have hope!

I don’t think I can go on trudging along on this earth without God’s healing power (Psalm 147:3).  I will, forever cast all of my care upon him, for He cares for me! (1 Peter 5:7)


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Feb 27 2014

Joy of the Lord

In this world, especially when dealing with other people, being happy is so hard to establish.  It’s even harder to keep. The normal thing that happens are disappointment, sadness, pain, and anguish.  Joy and happiness are so few.  Sometimes I had to dig deep to find it.  By my own strength, the joy that I felt were fleeting and inconsistent.  Eventually, I’ll just feel worn down, emotionally, physically, and yes, even spiritually.

Thankfully, the more consistent and powerful joy is available, and all I have to do is tap in to God’s promises:

The joy of the Lord is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10

He is my strength. He is the source of my happiness. My life’s challenges can only be solved by knowing He’s with me.  I need to have the desire to work hard, but I also need to have a joyful attitude! The hope that’s in God drives me every day of my life.

The love of God gives me joy!

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Feb 06 2014

Look To God

God’s Spirit doesn’t make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7

This was an opportune moment for me. As I wrote this, at 1:16AM, I had been tossing and turning on my bed, thinking about my future. Thinking about my faith.  Thinking about existence itself.  Earlier this morning, I was reading the debate between an Atheist (the science guy) and a man of faith (a creationist).  Both presented their reasons for believing what they believe, both had compelling arguments.  But I was more taken by the science guy because he had more courage to have the argument at the creation museum and came prepared with plenty of evidence.  Since his argument is based on science, it was also well accepted, so many of the media/blogs/social-media were basically on his side.

I found myself persuaded in the science direction.

But, then Pastor Rick wrote in this daily devotion:

We all go through moments of doubt, when the things we know are true and believe in seem to leave us with more questions than answers. There are times in our lives when we get afraid. There are times when we look at the future and are filled with worry…

The courage to face a fear head on doesn’t come from within, it comes from God above. The ability to keep going when times get hard comes from trusting in God, not in ourselves.

This hit me. Direct to my heart. It awoke my spirit.

I had been using my own mind to grasp the reality of this life.  The science guy thinks humans came from something and then became nothing!  Where’s the hope in that? What’s the purpose of this life, other than survival and every person for himself?

I refuse to believe we’re a “cosmic accident”.  I was created from nothing, and I will become something. That’s hope. That’s a promise from God that I hold on to.

I put my trust in God, for He’s my future. There’s more to this life than just the mere existence. I’m looking forward to heaven. I’m looking forward to be with God.  I look to God for everything, because He gives me strength and takes away my fears.

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Feb 04 2013

Love Is The Greatest Of All

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13: 13

These are the 3 things I take to heaven: my faith, hope, and love. They’re kept inside me. They are how my character is formed. I won’t need my house or money. I will take the love that I have in family, friends, and God with me to eternity.  I won’t need anything else.

I will make sure I love God and other people in this world.  It won’t be easy – for there will be temptations from the devil that will divert my focus and priority.  But with God’s strength and grace, I will succeed in my highest achievement: Love.


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Feb 25 2012

Get Strength Through Christ

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

When I focus on Jesus, there’s nothing I can’t accomplish. Jesus gives me the power and knowledge to handle any situations. I draw my strength from Him, to guide me through this treacherous and unforgiving life.  I know there’s hope.  I know there’s hope.  I know there’s Jesus who enables me.

Thank you Jesus, for providing me strength when I need it.  You’re the cornerstone. You’re the rock. You’re the foundation of my life. I believe you when you said this because it is written.  I take in your word and I take you into my life. Dwell in me, O Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.


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Jan 29 2012

Staying Pure

Published by under 40 Days In the Word,Psalms

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.

Psalm 119:9

This world is full of temptation. This world is full of deception. This world is full of false hope and temporary riches.

It’s easy for me to be drawn to what this world has to offer. Sinful ways are always attractive and pleasurable. But they are not from God. Thus, I’m getting away from God’s provision.

Getting back to God’s way is easy: just follow His word!  Open the Bible and read the instruction manual. I need to talk to God to provide for my daily provision, according to heavenly riches, as promised in Philippians 4:19.  I need to stay pure, in God’s glory, according to His words.


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Jan 24 2012

Useful Words

These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.

1 Corinthians 10:11

It’s indeed wise to learn from the experience of others. The Bible is filled with advice and stories, that are not only true, it’s also enriching and enable me not to stumble.  It’s a guide that leads me to righteousness.  It’s a source of hope.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Romans 15:4


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Oct 14 2010

Promise and Help from God

Published by under Hebrews

I can’t go through this life without God’s help and promises.  He gives me hope and a reason to live.  God always catch me when I fall.   God always fulfill His promises.  God wants to help and He’s very generous!

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

Help me, O God, in this time of despair and uncertainty.  The future seems bleak but you give me hope.  I hold on to your promises.  It’s my desire to honor you, so help me be the salt and light that you intended me to be.  Amen.

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Jul 09 2009

Parenting 101

Published by under 2 Thessalonians,Ephesians

Being a parent is not easy for me.  I constantly have to keep up with my daughter in physical, mind, and spiritual development.  The physical part is easy, as I love to run around, dance, and give her hugs and kisses.  She’s now approaching kindergarten so I have to prepare for my mind to teach her the “intellectual” requirements to cope in this world.

Then I have to be her spiritual guidance.  And this is important, as it’s also to help me grow in the Lord.

For a long time, I’ve been spiritually young.  I always wanted to go beyond where I’m at right now.  I want to be close to God.  I want to know what he has to say to me.

This is where I draw my connection.  I want my Father in heaven to guide me, just as I’m guiding my child.

My expectations now are simple:  What God expects from me is almost exactly what I expect from my child.

God gave an example of love and sacrifice in Jesus Christ.  I have to do the same.

God gave me a purpose in life to promote reconciliation, disciple others, lead others to Him, and help others.  I have to do the same.

God loves me and gives me hope.  I have to do the same.

As I see my daughter constantly look up to me for guidance.  All I have to do is look up to God.   It’s the basic thing to do, as a parent.

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May 20 2009

Why Does God Let Evil Happen?

Published by under 1 Corinthians,Matthew

One of the most difficult question that I’ve asked before is, why does evil exist?  If God is so powerful, why can’t he just get rid of evil?  Why are evil happening to good people?

Many have tried to answer that.  I recognized the common message:  God let evil happen in my life because He wants me to grow spiritually strong.

It’s a question of faith.  It’s easy to trust God when things go right.  But when it goes wrong, it’s very difficult to continue praising and relying on God.  I would always go back to that selfish mode where I was in charge of my life – where I thought I could solve my own problems. I’ll fail when I don’t put my faith in God.

God also let evil happen because it will show me where is God’s fairness:

But I say, love your enemies![s] Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.

Matthew 5:44-45

Everyone will experience evil.  The difference is, who will buckle in the stress?  When I follow Christ, I learn to draw strength from God’s grace and promise.  I have to remember God is fair and just.  He will provide what I need, and will never test me beyond my abilities.

In the chaos of this world, I know there’s hope in heaven.  I’m keeping God’s promise and grace, that one day I’ll be with Him and evil doesn’t exist anymore in my life.

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