Nov 05 2007

We are family

Published by at 10:50 am under 40 Days of Purpose,Hebrews

How can I start treating other believers like members of my own family?

The Purpose Driven Life, p. 122

We have a couple of friends from a church in San Diego, let’s call them Chris and Robin (for anonymity). Back in early 2000, they were newlyweds, like us, so we got a long very well. We started going to their bible study and they would visit our church on sundays. There was a day when Chris and Robin got into a big fight and she decided to leave out of town without letting him know. He would call me, told us what happened. Yantie and I would drive to his apartment, and tried to help him out by talking to him, and going to the airport to see if she was still there. We stayed with him the rest of the day, prayed with him. We sought updates the weeks after, sharing the pain he was going through, as he felt really abandoned at this point. Eventually Robin would return and they sorted out their issues.

This is what God wanted us to be: a family. When a member of the body is in pain, the body feels it. We felt each other’s pain and we tried to help the healing process. We love Chris and Robin very much. We continue to pray for their well being and God’s grace in their lives. I am glad to be able to call them my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Jesus and the people he makes holy all belong to the same family. That is why he isn’t ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.

Hebrews 2:11 (CEV)

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