Nov 18 2007

How to be a giant oak

Published by at 10:13 am under 40 Days of Purpose,Habakkuk

In what area of my spiritual growth do I need to be more patient and persistent?

The Purpose Driven Life, p. 223

After answering the book’s “Question to Consider” for past 10 chapters or so, it becomes clear to me that my main problem (being quick to anger) needs a lot of work and time to fix. I see myself correcting my attitude several times, especially during commute and dealing with co-workers. I need to have more patience. I’ve been dealing with this problem ever since high school. I was a sarcastic young man with no accountability, which led me to low grades in school and failed relationships. I wish I can say I’ve completely turned that around, but the turn is slow. I must be persistent and go against the resistance. I am encouraged when God has something to say about this in Habakkuk 2:3 (CEV):

At the time I have decided, my words will come true. You can trust what I say about the future. It may take a long time, but keep on waiting– it will happen!

In order for a tree to grow, it requires wind, sun, soil, and water to grow. The wind is the test and trouble in life. The sun is God’s grace. The soil is the people around me. The water is God’s word. Over a long time, I will need all of that to grow like a strong oak tree.

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