Dec 13 2007

How do I feel this Christmas?

Published by at 7:14 am under Luke,Matthew

Christmas is coming up. Pastor Doug Fields challenged me to answer these questions:

  1. Identify which of the four feelings (afraid, uncomfortable, occupied, awestruck) best describes your response to Jesus? [WHAT do I feel when I focus on Jesus?]
  2. Clarify what might be happening within your life that makes you feel that way. [WHY do I feel that way about Jesus?]

After reading the biblical events surrounding the birth of Jesus on Matthew 1:18-2:23 and Luke 2:1-20, I extract the following:

I feel “busy” or occupied.  Just like the innkeeper rejected Mary and Joseph when the rooms were all full. My schedule is full too. I have to take my wife to her wedding anniversary dinner, my kid to Christmas events around the community, write and mail Christmas cards, plan for vacation, and of course, a lot of shopping. Whenever I focus on Jesus, I realize that I don’t have to so busy. He is the reason for season! Why should I put a priority on the other things? I feel this way because I figured I talk to Jesus every day. He’ll be there when I do all of those other tasks. Come to think about it, Jesus is no longer the focus this way. It is wrong and I must change that.

Jesus, in this busy season, please make me stop and focus on you. I don’t need to make plans to keep me busy and forget this time is actually for you: your birth into this world. You’re here to safe me. Safe me one more time! I only need you. I only need to focus on you. Give me the peace and joy that can only be from you, Jesus. Thank you for saving me from my own busy-ness. Amen.

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