Jan 23 2008

80-10-10: Save for the Future

Published by at 9:44 am under Proverbs

In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.

Proverbs 21:20

Saving money is God’s IQ test for me. Am I smart and wise enough to save money for rainy days? The idea of getting out of debt is first to give to God, then I have to give to myself. The rule is: 80-10-10, or 10% to God, 10% to savings, 80% to paying the bills.

I also have to watch out that I don’t fall into “Get Rich Quick” schemes. Money quickly gained is quickly lost. The love of money is the root of all evil. If I love money, I will use people. If I love people, I will use money.

I’ve been bitten by the envy monster several times in my life. Not only in the workplace for position of power, but also in material things. The “Gotta Have it!” attitude is raging in the media these days, and it’s more apparent here in United States. Americans are more in debt than the Europeans and Asians. It’s no wonder that we’re in debt because we seldom ask ourselves, “Do I really have to have this?” When I hold the envy monster, I will not go crazy on spending my savings.

I must learn the lesson from ants as they constantly store food. When the going get tough in the future, I will be ready when I have savings.

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