Feb 20 2008

Feeding Myself

Published by at 5:34 am under Isaiah,John,Psalms,Saddleback Church

Last week, Pastor Rick’s sermon was very much appropriate for this blog. It was a topic on devotional. Feeding myself the word of God to ensure my spiritual growth. First and foremost, I must accept the bible’s authority as the source of truths for my life. I have to be in tune with God to get a lot more out of the bible.I must watch out for unreliable source of authorities:

  • Culture – truth by personality, truth by popularity. Do not follow the crowd who can turn good to bad, and bad to good, completely muddling the truth. If it was true, it was not new. Truth will always be the same.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 5:20

  • Tradition – I’ve always done it that way, so it must be right.
  • Reason – my logic doesn’t always dictate.
  • Emotions – my feelings can lie.

God’s word is always true. His truth, exposes our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training to live in God’s way. God’s words show me the path, when I get off the path, how I can get on the path, and to stay on the path. I must study and search the scriptures, not just read it.

The difference between bible reading and bible study is taking notes. The shortest pencil is the longest form of memory. The secret of bible study is asking questions, asks the usual who, when, where, what, why, and how. The Devotional Study Form is going to help me study the bible even better.

  1. Pray. I must ask God for insight. Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
  2. Meditate (seriously thinking). If I know how to worry, I already know how to meditate. Keep thinking about it and going it over, and over again. Like a cow ruminates on grass. I must reflect on what I’ve just read.
  3. Apply it using “S.P.A.C.E.P.E.T.S” I’ll be blessed if I do them. The application must be personal, practical, possible, and provable.
  4. Memorize. It is the sword in my life to resist temptation. Every time Jesus was tempted, he used the scripture to resist the devil.

One response so far

One Response to “Feeding Myself”

  1. L.L. Barkaton 21 Feb 2008 at 8:08 am

    I have been very drawn to that prayer, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things…” Indeed, there are those who only see troubling things. But I want to understand the riches, the beauties that lie just beneath what might at first appear disturbing.

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