Nov 09 2008

Proposition 8: Morality, Rights, and Democracy

Published by at 10:01 am under Genesis,Malachi,Mark

One of most the intense moral, political, and legal issue is California’s Proposition 8: Banning Same-Sex Marriage. It hits closer to home.  My opinion on Proposition 8 is not about discrimination, but rather the twisted lies and deceit set forth by the people who are against it.

I support Proposition 8.

It’s not about hate of fellow human beings. It’s not about the tax breaks. It’s not about denying health care access to anyone.

It is about moral standards set by God.

The bible says marriage is for a man and woman, sacred, and must be protected. It also says that homosexuality lifestyle is a sin. As a Christian, I have to abide by what the bible says because it is God’s word.

It is about my parental rights.

I don’t want my daughter to be forced to learn about homosexuality at an early age. My wife and I will decide when she’s old enough to understand and form her own opinion on the subject. The State’s public school system must not force the idea that same-sex parents is acceptable. Anyone who is religious clearly disagrees. Just as the atheists are against at the idea of the Lord’s Prayer in our schools, we want our rights to go against any immoral teachings. As parents, we decide what’s right for our child’s education. We should not have to go to jail because we protested against the public school’s enforcement of same-sex marriage education, like they did to David Parker in Lexington, Massachusetts.

It is about democracy.

America’s forefathers were Christians, and they set the principles and ethics for this country in a constitution based on God. They made this country great. In year 2000, the people clearly voted against same-sex marriage. However, it saddens me to learn the about judges who decided to overturn this democratic outcome. Here we are now, in 2008, again with the people voted against same-sex marriage. This is America: We Vote – for the good of the many, not the few. The people has clearly spoken.  We don’t use scare tactics and hide behind “civil rights” arguments. Bill Daily’s comment on Louis Gray’s blog has pretty much echoed my conclusion: It turns out the church and its members’ rights are the one being cast aside.

I’ve known many people who are gay. They’re nice and loving people, just like me. What is different is their lifestyle, and that’s the only thing I don’t agree with. However, that doesn’t stop me from caring or talking with them. Most of my church-going and Bible-believing friends have the same view. People may argue that the church should not force their views on every one else, but it also applies to everyone else not forcing the issue on the church and its members. The definition of marriage between man and woman have not changed for thousands of years. Why should 2% of the world population suddenly make it mandatory for that to change?

Proposition 8 is about the people’s rights, and that means for BOTH SIDES have to be respected. Children must not be the pawn of this argument. Democracy must still be used before we make any big changes to system. Being informed is required for everyone, avoiding finger pointing and lies. All it takes is a little civility, and treat each with respect and dignity.

God, I pray that you will give us, the patience and grace to handle this issue.  Give us the abundance of love for each other, that we don’t simply get angry at each other.  Rather, we want to be able to agree to disagree, and decide on the matter in a democratic and civilized way.  Let your will be done, Lord.  Amen.

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