Archive for February, 2009

Feb 04 2009

Crude and Profane

Published by under 2 Timothy

a)no/siov (anosios)

  1. unholy
  2. impious
  3. wicked

During my high school days, the words that came out of my every vocabulary were either “f*” this and “s*” that.  Profanity seemed like the cool thing to say.  People seemed to pay attention when I was crude.  As I grew older and being filled with God’s spirit, the Lord makes me realize that it’s not right to be crude and profane.  Sure it’ll get me attention, but it’s the wrong attention!  I’m a witness to Jesus so I have to act and behave like Him, not of this potty world.  I  have to take the higher ground and think of the heavenly rewards, not of this petty world.  I must stay clean, proper, and kind.

For people will be … profane.

2 Timothy 3:2

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Feb 01 2009


Published by under 2 Timothy

a)xa/ristov (acharistos)

  1. ungracious
  2. unpleasing
  3. unthankful

I take a lot of things for granted these days:  running water, working electricity, smooth road, affordable gas prices.  Then there’s God natural gifts like the air I breathe, my heart that keeps on beating, a mind that keeps on thinking, and the sun that rises every morning.  I take all of those for granted because I still have them, and never short on them.

So what if one day they’re gone?  Will I miss them?  Of course I do.  I’m hardly thankful when things work.  But when they don’t work, I look for God to fix it.  I under appreciate God’s gifts of the everyday life.

I don’t want to be unthankful.  I don’t want to be ungracious.  I want to appreciate everything you give me, Lord.  I thank you for everything.  I thank you for your grace.  Amen.

For people will be … ungrateful.

2 Timothy 3:2

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