Archive for the '2 Timothy' Category

Feb 06 2014

Look To God

God’s Spirit doesn’t make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7

This was an opportune moment for me. As I wrote this, at 1:16AM, I had been tossing and turning on my bed, thinking about my future. Thinking about my faith.  Thinking about existence itself.  Earlier this morning, I was reading the debate between an Atheist (the science guy) and a man of faith (a creationist).  Both presented their reasons for believing what they believe, both had compelling arguments.  But I was more taken by the science guy because he had more courage to have the argument at the creation museum and came prepared with plenty of evidence.  Since his argument is based on science, it was also well accepted, so many of the media/blogs/social-media were basically on his side.

I found myself persuaded in the science direction.

But, then Pastor Rick wrote in this daily devotion:

We all go through moments of doubt, when the things we know are true and believe in seem to leave us with more questions than answers. There are times in our lives when we get afraid. There are times when we look at the future and are filled with worry…

The courage to face a fear head on doesn’t come from within, it comes from God above. The ability to keep going when times get hard comes from trusting in God, not in ourselves.

This hit me. Direct to my heart. It awoke my spirit.

I had been using my own mind to grasp the reality of this life.  The science guy thinks humans came from something and then became nothing!  Where’s the hope in that? What’s the purpose of this life, other than survival and every person for himself?

I refuse to believe we’re a “cosmic accident”.  I was created from nothing, and I will become something. That’s hope. That’s a promise from God that I hold on to.

I put my trust in God, for He’s my future. There’s more to this life than just the mere existence. I’m looking forward to heaven. I’m looking forward to be with God.  I look to God for everything, because He gives me strength and takes away my fears.

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Apr 02 2010

Speaking Up

Published by under 2 Timothy,Colossians,James

The one thing I struggle most is figuring out when to speak up.  All sorts of things go into my mind when I hear something I don’t like.  Unfortunately, most of them are anger.  Anger about the unfairness.  Anger about the injustice.  Anger about the lies.

I have to figure out why I’m feeling angry.  Is it for selfish reason?  Is it my ego or pride being hurt?

Or is it because injustice is happening to other people?  Other people’s rights are being trampled?  Others are hurt, secluded, discriminated, or extorted?

There’s the difference: It’s not about me.  If I think it’s going to benefit many people that I speak up, then I must do that.  But I must do so in truth, kindness, and gentleness.  I must not succumb to fear and anger, because it’s not what God wants me to do (2 Timothy 1:7).

I speak up to represent God’s light – to lead the world to Christ.

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

James 1:19-20

But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

Colossians 3:8-10

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Feb 26 2009

Choosing Pleasure Over God

Published by under 2 Timothy

filh/donov (Philedonos)

  • loving pleasure

Many times, I’ve chosen to do something that feels nice and easy for me.  I did it sometimes knowing it was against God’s command.  For example, I chose to sleep in instead of going to church on Sunday morning.  I’ve refused to do a regular ministry because I  had “better” things to do, like shopping or watching TV.  I’ve even lost my virginity before marriage.

God wants me to put Him first before any earthly pleasures.  It’s when I focus my attention to God, I will have a clear purpose in my life.

Thank you, Lord, for guiding me thus far.  Thank you for not abandoning me.  I have some hard choices to make because it’s your command.  To live a Godly life is not easy and I know I can’t do it without your help.  I want to make each step I take moving towards you, God.  I choose you, not this world.  Amen.

They will… love pleasure over God.

2 Timothy 3:4

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Feb 25 2009

Toughed Up With Pride

Published by under 2 Timothy

tufo/omai (Tuphoo)

  • to raise a smoke, to wrap in a mist
    • metaph.
      1. to make proud, puff up with pride, render insolent
      2. to be puffed up with haughtiness or pride
  • to blind with pride or conceit, to render foolish or stupid
    • beclouded, besotted

Another way of saying this is someone who pretends they’re “elite”, or above anyone else in terms of their social status.  Academic people are like this too – where they think they’re smarter (and knows more) than everyone else.

Unfortunately, they’re just as prideful and foolish as everyone else who thinks they don’t need God.  I’ve seen so many who think they got it all together, and boast about it.  Making me look weak and insignificant.

But in the end, we are all accountable to God.  He will judge us on what we do on this earth.  He’s going to ask the question, have we been good stewards?  Have we used our God given talents to help others?  Have we followed Jesus’ teachings of humility and compassion?

We all must remember that we’re nothing without God.

They will… be puffed up with pride…

2 Timothy 3:4

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Feb 24 2009

Reckless and Rash

Published by under 2 Timothy

propeth/v (Propetes)

  1. to fall forwards, headlong, sloping, precipitously
  2. precipitate, rash, reckless

Growing up, peer pressure played an important role in my character development. I’ve been in situations where my so-called friends would tell me to do something that’s not correct.  They would cheer at rash and reckless things, like drinking alcohol too much, destroying private properties, or even stealing.  If I succumbed to every whims of my peers, and hung out with even more dangerous friends, then who knows what other worse acts I could do.

Looking back, I couldn’t believe how stupid I was.  It was the cost of being young. I needed God to be my guiding light, but I rejected him.  I fell flat on my face, several times.  I could have avoided it, if I only listened to God and my Christian friends and family.

It was a lesson for me.  I want and hope the new generation not to repeat these same mistakes.

They will… be reckless…

2 Timothy 3:4

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Feb 21 2009

Double Dealing

Published by under 2 Timothy,John

prodo/thv (Prodotes)

  • a betrayer, traitor

I put backstabbers in the same league as murderers.  That’s basically what they are: killers of good character and reputation.  They undermine trust.  They’re just dangerous.

Yet this kind of behavior is the favorite way of making Hollywood movies. Anything that stirs up strong emotions like murder, rape, and betrayal are famously rewarded in box office numbers.  Do we, as a society, really need more examples on how bad this world is?  Are we so “comfortable” with the subject that we’re numb to it?  Are we expecting people to be like this?

I hope not.

The good news is, God will expose the wolf in sheep clothing.  God knows what’s inside the heart, as Jesus did by identifying Judas.  Jesus is all about the truth.  Salvation is only through Him, so I must embrace the truth.  I shall not betray anyone, that includes God.

They will betray their friends…

2 Timothy 3:4

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Feb 19 2009

Cynical and Hates Do-Gooders

Published by under 2 Timothy

a)fila/gaqov (Aphilagathos)

  • opposed to goodness and good men

This one I can’t understand.  Why would anyone hate someone who does good in this world?  Are we suppose to be all evil, or something?

To illustrate, let’s take Fred Rogers, or Mister Rogers.  He was an ordained minister at a Presbyterian Church, he was a nice guy, didn’t drink nor smoke, championed youth education – all around good guy.  Yet, there are people who made fun of him. They laughed at his clothes and his demeanor.  They shunned him as low-rate broadcaster.  They didn’t give him any second thought.

Mister Rogers didn’t care what other people think.  He kept doing what he did best – educating kids.  He did it without fail.  He kept doing good.

Mister Rogers had an admirable character.  Something I must emulate.  I’m sure God had a lot to do with his success, and I want that in my life too.

I want people to stop being cynical and stop hating to do good.  Why can’t everyone be good?  Oh yeah, goodness comes from God – not everyone wants God.  That’s a shame.  I can only imagine how wonderful this world will be if everyone’s good (and with God).

For people will be… not lovers of the good…

2 Timothy 3:2-3

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Feb 16 2009

Loves Violence

Published by under 2 Timothy

a)nh/merov (Anemeros)

  • not tame, savage, fierce

In the age of video games and powerful personal computers, I tend to a get attracted to games that are violent such as Crysis, Quake, Unreal Tournament, etc.  The one theme those games have is to kill each other.  It’s the same with the movies and TV shows I’ve been watching.

And I’m suppose to find that fun and exciting. I can rationalize it by saying it’s for the “story” or for the technical aspect of it.  They’re still not tame.  They’re still tapping into my savage and fierce self.  My state of mind becomes more agitated and unloving.

This is a timely devotion.  I need this right now.  God, please keep controlling me.  Put me in my right place: in your loving arms.  Show me the right way.  Tame me.  Make me more civilized and kind.  Put my mind at ease at all times.  Thank you for your guidance.  Amen.

For people will be… brutal…

2 Timothy 3:2-3

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Feb 12 2009

Impulsive and Uncontrolled

Published by under 2 Timothy

a)krath/v (akrates)

  • without self-control, intemperate

Being impulsive and uncontrollable are the two main reasons why we’re all in a credit crisis like this: I want to get the latest gadgets!  I want to get a shiny new car! I want to buy a bigger house! More bling bling, as they say.

Patience is the antidote to impulsiveness. God is very good at patience. He’ll wait my lifetime to turn me around. He’ll wait to see me grow up. Whatever it takes, God will show me self-control.

For people will be… without self-control…

2 Timothy 3:2-3

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Feb 11 2009

Slanders and Gossips

Published by under 2 Timothy

dia/bolov (diabolos)

  1. prone to slander, slanderous, accusing falsely
    1. calumniator, false accuser, slanderer,
  2. metaph. applied to a man who, by opposing the cause of God, may be said to act the part of the devil or to side with him

It’s always more “fun” to talk bad things about other people.  It directs the spotlight at their faults, not mine.  People are actually being paid a lot of money for being full of gossip and slanderous.  It’s no wonder, everyone likes a good juicy or naughty bits about other people.  Being “bad” is actually good.

Slander is the devil himself.

I must remind myself, everyday with God’s loving mercy, to slander or gossip is simply unacceptable.  The tongue can be mightier than the sword.  It can cut down an otherwise good reputation.  It makes life difficult.  It’s totally unproductive.

I have Jesus in my life so I can change for the better.  I can also build up other people, and change their lives for the better.

For people will be… slanderous…

2 Timothy 3:2-3

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