Apr 11 2009

Busy and Refuel

Published by at 4:49 am under John,Saddleback Church

This Easter weekend, I’m reminded how busy I’ll be with my daughter’s activities, getting together with friends, going to Church service, grocery shopping, watching The Masters golf game, etc.   I’m constantly trying to fill my days with stuff to do.  Trying to keep busy.

For the past 3 weeks, Pastor Doug Fields just finished the series on “Refuel” where he talked about the importance to stop being busy, and start connecting with God.  His advice is practical.  He’s talking about me taking more time, a little bit at a time every day, to ponder God’s majesty, grace, and kindness.  I have to realize that I’m God’s friend and He wants to talk to me in all of my waking moments.  I have to thank God for all of the things He’s done, from the little things like the weather, to big things including giving His only son to save me.

Lord Jesus, I’m taking this morning to pause my “busy” life, and pray to you.   My devotional will now be with you throughout the day, a few minutes at a time.  I need to give you my breath prayers because I need the constant reminder to calm myself and stay connected to you.  Thank you, my friend, for dying for me.  I’m amazed by your sacrifice.  I’m even more in awe by your resurrection.  You are alive, living inside me and brings hope to humanity.  I can now proceed with my days, knowing that you’re with me.  Amen.

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