Jul 15 2009

Authority Over The Children

Published by at 6:05 am under Proverbs

Being a parent, God has given me the authority over my child.  However, that does not mean I can abuse that authority.  On the contrary, I have to raise my child to love God and the people around her.

The first step is parent control.  When a child is small, she doesn’t know any better so I have to teach her everything there’s to know about being kind, gentle, forgiving, patient, thinking, helpful, and discerning.

All of that is to equip her to have self control. She is to know what is right and wrong.  She will know enough knowledge to survive in this world.

Ultimately, she will surrender to God because He’s the final authority over her.  God needs to control her.  He sets the commands and laws of our lives.  She’ll need to keep her eyes towards heaven, for that’s where we, Christ followers, will end up.

That’s our purpose in life.

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