Oct 01 2009

The Reality Choice

Published by at 5:50 am under Romans

As part of the 8-week study of the book Life’s Healing Choices by John Baker of Saddleback Church, I’m going to dig deeper into it and apply them to my life.

I sometimes wonder why I make bad choices.  I’ve always known I’m capable of making the wrong choice, but why do I keep making them?  The apostle Paul said it best here:

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.

Romans 7:15-17

It’s the sin living in me.  I’m sinful by nature.

I’ve always known that eating a lot of sweets and caffeine are bad for me.  I’ve always known pleasuring myself leads to all sorts of bad thoughts.  I’ve always known indulging myself with gadgets will lead to overspending.

I used to do all that when I was single all the way to my late 20’s.  I used to think it didn’t hurt anyone.  That was my addiction: over-indulgence.  I was a spoiled kid and I absolutely needed the stuff I want, right there and then.

But now I’m married with a daughter to support.  I can’t be reckless anymore.  I can’t abuse my body as I used to.  I have to set a good example, not only for myself, but to everyone around me.

I have to make the reality choice:  I’m not in control.  I must let God take over.  My sinful nature always get the better of me, and it’s time God has it.  Whenever the thoughts of over-indulging returns, I’ll always run to God and let Him give me the strength to overcome it.

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