Oct 09 2009

Letting Go

Published by at 2:29 pm under Matthew

It’s difficult to go through life without being “in control”.  When I have to depend on other people to help me through mundane stuff, it becomes totally unbearable.  My personality is a somewhat of a go-getter.  As much as I can, I create my own opportunities.  If there’s something that I believe I can’t control, I’ll just dismiss it and move on.  So naturally, I bounce through a lot of interests, hobbies, and relationships.  I’m never satisfied.  I’m never content.

I’ve always felt I had never accomplished anything good in my life.  I beat myself up with this feeling.  I felt guilty to having a very short attention span.  I felt lonely.  I felt sorry for myself.

I knew in my heart, this was not a good feeling.  I knew I had to do something, but didn’t know what.  Now that I found Jesus, it became abundantly clear that I wasn’t in control – never will!  He’s in control.  He’s the way, the truth, and the light.  If I just focus my eyes on Him, my purpose is clear.  My life becomes more fulfilling.

There were times that I held back giving up control and it was due to any of these combination:

  1. Pride
  2. Guilt
  3. Fear
  4. Worry
  5. Doubt

My #1 is pride.  Raised in a rich family, my parents are the boss.  I’m raised to think like them.  It seems like an inherited trait.  I try my best to be the boss of everyone.  Then when I’m not, the other problem occurs:  doubt and guilt.  I would start questioning myself.  I would feel guilty of doing the wrong thing (or doing nothing).  Those feelings confused my life.  I wondered if I’d ever accomplish anything. I lost control.

Thank God for Jesus!  I can give my burdens to Him.  He helps me overcome all pride, guilt, fear, worry, and doubt!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

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