Oct 22 2009

Change is Possible

Published by at 5:53 am under 1 Corinthians,Philippians

I’ve seen (and felt) what my bad habits can do to my spiritual, mental, and physical health.  I got too much stress, too much resentment, too much doubts that led me to be distant from family, friends, and God.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  There are better ways to get better.

Focus on changing my character defect, one at a time.

There are many areas I have to tackle, but I can’t change them all at the same time.  I have to pick one, perhaps the easiest one, like eating too much junk food.  Then I’ll get into the tougher ones, like looking at questionable material on the internet.  Eventually I’ll overcome the big one: my hot temper.

Focus on success, one day at a time.

I can’t forsee the future.  I don’t know what’s going to happen.  That’s up to God’s will.  But what I can control is my actions today.  The Lord’s prayer says, “Give us our daily bread.”  One day, today, I can make it happen for the better.

Focus on God’s power.

He’s the source of my strength.  God’s character is my goal and model.  My strength is insufficient.  I need God’s power to add to my willpower.  If I need change, I need God to steer me to the right direction.

Focus on the good things.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Phillipians 4:8

The good things are the only thing worthwhile doing.  I only have so much time and energy.  Staying positive will only bring joy and happiness.

Focus on doing good.

What good have I done for you lately?  That’s the question I should be asking everyone.  Today I have to continue to build relationships, continue to be a peace maker, and continue to be helpful.  My tendency is to make myself feel good.  I must stop being selfish.  I must continue to do the right thing.

Focus on people who help.

People can hinder my progress.  They can be critical, judgmental, and down right unhelpful.  These are the ones I want to be associated with.  They’ll just slow me down, and will one day take me down completely!  I have to surround myself with kind, compassionate, and Godly people, for they’ll help me change and grow for the better.

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

1 Corinthians 15:33

Focus on progress.

I’m not a perfectionist.  Sometimes I say “Good enough is good enough.”  I’m taking this step to keep myself sane and not stress over the little things.  I can imagine the amounts of energy and time required to be “perfect” in everything.  I know God loves me for who I am.  I don’t have to be perfect in His eyes.  I just have to be believe and be willing to change.  When God is shaping me, that’s progress for me.

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