Oct 25 2009

Making Amends

Published by at 8:00 am under Luke

Do to others as you wold have them do to you.

Luke 6:31

Jesus said it abundantly clear and simple here.  I need to treat others the same way as I want them to treat me.  It can sometimes be a one-way street, but it is the right way to do it.  It’s the Christian way.

  1. Choose the right timing.  Make time to sit down and discuss it.  Avoid all distractions.
  2. Have the right attitude.  Apologize privately, with humility, and expect nothing in return.  It’s up to God to change a person’s heart, not me.
  3. Be appropriate.  I must consider the situation and person, try to make amends in the way that’s best for him/her.
  4. Make restitution whenever possible.  Pay back what I owe.  Return what I borrowed.

Most of all, I must reach out to God.  I need to ask Him to give me the strength to make amends.  If I’m doing my part doing what’s right, He’ll be right there for me.

Dear God, you have shown me that holding on to resentment for the wrongs done to me and refusing to make them right has hurt me emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  I ask you today to help me to be honest about my hurts.  I’ve been ignoring others and keeping all of the negatives in me.  But now I’m ready to come clean. I’m ready to tell the truth about my pain.  I ask you to give me the strength and courage so I can release those who have hurt me.  I want to let go of my resentment towards them.  Only by your power I can do this!  I also pray that you give me the wisdom to know how to make amends.  Please guide me as I find ways to correct and make restitution.  Thank you for giving the chance to being a new life as I refocus my life.  I know I have a long way to go, but I’m holding on to your promises that all my troubles will fade from my memory.  Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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