Jul 11 2010

Sharing My Faith

Published by at 10:05 am under John

I listened to Greg Laurie’s service today on Harvest Christian Church, and he talked about the most difficult part of my Christian life: How to evangelize.  Sharing my faith can be tricky in this day and age.  He covered what I need to do:

I need to go to Samaria (John 4:4), which is practically everywhere, especially where no one wants to go and be with people no one wants to be associated with. The gospel is for everyone.  If they don’t hear about Jesus’ love, they’ll be going to hell.  I have to overcome my prejudices and biases.  Everyone’s the same in the eyes of the Lord.

I need to be tactful. Evangelism is about a dialogue, not a monologue. I have to do a lot of listening. Everyone’s favorite topic is himself or herself.  I must need to learn how to respond, with tact.  The objective is to win the soul, not the argument. For example, Jesus was using the well and its water as a metaphor for her life (John 4:13).

I need to adapt to the situation.  People might try to change the subject (John 4:20), but I have to keep trying to go back to the main issue.  There is no one way to evangelize. Sometimes I have to answer a question with a question – it’s for those who just want discredit what I know.  Asking questions engages the other person, creating a bridge to a dialogue.

I need to use my story.  It’s a way to preach to a person without actually preaching.  Many people will believe as a result of my testimony (John 4:39).  A real story is a powerful message, as real as I experienced it – not exaggerated.  It’s not about me, it’s about God.

I need to faithfully deliver the word of God, giving everyone the true gospel. The truth is, the way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.  Jesus died for my sins. He’s the way, the truth, and the life.

I need to let God work through me.  He’ll give me the strength to deliver the Good News to anyone – everyone.  I need to let God direct me.

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