Oct 10 2010

Getting There

At my church, Saddleback, we’re kicking off the “Decade of Destiny” today.  Pastor Rick has a vision for the church in the next 10 years.  He wants the church to grow spiritually in the next decade, by leaps and bounds.  We ought to dream big because we have a big God.

In a spiritual growth, there needs to be certain things that I have to focus on doing.

  1. Meet with God daily. (Proverbs 8:34)
  2. Study and do His word. (Psalm 1:1-3)
  3. Tithe my income. (Malachi 3:10)
  4. Help others in need. (Psalm 41:1-2)
  5. Share the good news. (Philemon 1:6)
  6. Participate in fellowship. (Romans 1:12)

Getting to where I want to be also takes a few steps:

  1. Determine my present position.
  2. Describe exactly what I want.
  3. Find a promise from God.
  4. Ask God for help.
  5. Identify difficulties.
  6. Create a step-by-step plan.
  7. Be patient and persistent.
  8. Enlist a team for support.
  9. Pay the price.

So where do I want to be?  I first need to know where I am.  I’m financially stable, physically alright, and in a healthy relationship with my family.  What an awesome blessing to be in this situation.  Can I ask for more?  Of course I can.  God wants to add more!  I love to have another child. I love to be able to help others and honor God, at the same time.  I love to have the peace of mind that can only come from knowing Jesus Christ.  I love to have Jesus’ character. I love to have God use my family to be God’s ambassadors in this dark and treacherous world.

This world is only a temporary assignment.  Slowly, but surely, I will reach my destiny to be with God in heaven and worship Him, forever.

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