Jan 21 2013

I’m No Accident

Published by at 7:22 am under Isaiah,What On Earth Am I Here For?

I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born.

Isaiah 44:2

It’s mind boggling. It’s difficult to understand. I have a purpose before I was born! So who am I to argue with God?  Should I try to steer in my own direction, based on the thinking of the society, majority, or other worldly influences?  I think not!  So the question to consider:

I know that god uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?

I struggled to accept that I was born in a poor family, at first. I struggled that my parents didn’t provide me with a strict discipline. I struggled that I’m a stubborn as a mule when it comes down to learning new things.

But God has turned all of that around. My family is now well off. I received the benefits of their hard work and I’m forever in grateful to my parents.  I know now that I have to learn new things to keep up, and not be left behind and go back to square one. At the same time, I realized God always have a plan for me and He’s always there at every step.

In the whole scheme of things, I don’t consider myself “lucky”.  I consider myself blessed!

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