Feb 16 2013


Published by at 9:34 am under 1 Corinthians,What On Earth Am I Here For?

Temptations are always there, in every turn, ready to pounce when I least expect it.  I would see a woman and suddenly felt an attraction. I would be in a situation where I may be forced to lie to spare myself from embarrassment. I may find a wad of cash and tempted to keep it for myself. “It’s all good, no one’s looking. No one will know.” as the devil would say.

The truth is, God knows. He sees everything. He sees my heart and my intentions. He knows what I would do – or what I can do. This is why I always focus on God, and His words and promises. One promise that I cherish:

You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations.

1 Corinthians 10:13

He wants me to escape from my temptations! I must run away from it. I must ignore it. I must refocus on something else – something good, something positive, something useful. I thank God, at every moment of my life, for this protection!

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