Mar 04 2013

Avoid the Traps

Published by at 2:32 pm under John,What On Earth Am I Here For?

To fulfill my purpose, I must avoid two traps:

  1. Being envious of other people
  2. Trying to please everyone

I know I’ve been guilty of both. I look at someone, my family or friend, and thought, why can’t I have what they have?  Why can’t I have more children? Why can’t I have a more discipline parent? Why can’t I be as outgoing as him?

Also, as an introvert, I always thought what I do is never enough, and I always end up keeping things to myself.  When I speak up, I tend to offend someone – or at least got the vibe I have offended them. So I clam up when someone said something incorrect. I did what everyone else is doing because it would make it look acceptable.

The good news is that these traps are avoidable.  I have God to guide me. He’s the one I have to concentrate on. He’s the one I have to please. I only have to compare myself with precious Jesus, because He is the king of my life.  Jesus shows me how to love. Jesus is the symbol of sacrifice.  He wasn’t out to please everyone, as it clearly shown when people mocked and killed Him on the cross.

So I must focus on Jesus. God will ask me, what have I done with His Son? I will please only God.  I will only keep Him as my #1!

If the Son gives you freedom, you are free!

John 8:36


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