Archive for the 'Exodus' Category

Mar 06 2012

Possess The Land

Published by under Exodus

But I won’t do all this in the first year, because the land would become poor, and wild animals would be everywhere. Instead, I will force out your enemies little by little and give your nation time to grow strong enough to take over the land.

Exodus 23:29-30

God is bigger than the universe. God is stronger than a black hole. God is more powerful than I can imagine. So why does God give things bit by bit?  Why does He not give me everything right off the bat?

To build my faith, that’s what He’s doing.  If I get everything I need without any work, I’ll be just using Him. I will not love Him for who He is – instead I love Him for what He can provide for me.  That’s not true love.  That’s not true faith.  Although there are times where I have to rely on Him completely, but for the most part, I have to do my part.

So to build my faith, God’s given me the ability to do things myself. To make my own decisions. To make my own mistakes. At this age, after all the experiences that I have, I come to appreciate how this works.  He makes me strong both mentally and physically. At the same time, He lifts my spirit and elevates my faith.

My transformation takes years – and I’m still being transformed. Still being renewed. I’m possessing “the land”, one year at a time.

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Jan 13 2011

The Name of The Lord

Published by under Exodus,Romans

I’ve always known the name of Jesus, my God, has power.  It  has a power to heal. It has a power to change lives.

Yet there are those today who abuses this powerful name for a mere insult.  They just throw it around when they’re angry or frustrated.  This world has so much contempt over the one true God.

It makes me sad that anyone would use God’s name in vain.  God strictly prohibits it (Exodus 20:7).  Maybe the mere fact that I’m offended by the misuse, it’s the very reason they abuse it.  They want to use God’s name as a mean to anger and stir up emotions.

I rather use God’s name to bless and to save people.  That’s what He promised will happen:

For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Romans 10:12-13

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Aug 02 2009

Believe to be Capable

Published by under Exodus,Romans

There’s a lot of competition in this world.  Product ads on TV, magazines, or billboards always say that we don’t have enough.  They always say we are not good enough.  There’s an inflated standard that we are deceptively told to aspire to.

Being better than we are is a good goal, especially for my child.  I want her to be better than me.  I want her to be more successful than me.  However, all of that improvement has to be for something greater than herself.  It has to be for God and others.

I have to show her to develop her gifts.  I need to help her discover her gifts.  I have to give her all of the opportunities.  She will not be successful in everything, but she will shine in some things.  Those will be God’s given talent.  Those will be her purpose and ministry.  As she develop her talent and confidence, she’ll be capable to take on mountains!

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.

Romans 1:11-12

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