Archive for the '40 Days of Love' Category

Sep 10 2008

Everything With Love

At Saddleback Church, we’re starting a new series called 40 Days of Love.  It’s a study of how we, as Christians, must learn to love, in any situation, at any time.  Key verse is:

Let everything you do, be done in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14

The bible says, EVERYTHING.  In any event.  With anyone.  Even when I don’t feel like it.   In fact, when I’m not feeling particularly loving is when I’m suppose to ask God for guidance and correction.  God loves me for who I am.  He loves everybody, even the ones who have gone astray.  God is love and He makes me as His image, so it’s only natural that I’m also loving.  The practice of love is to prepare for heaven.

So why is it sometimes difficult for me to love others?  My ego and pride have a lot to do with it.  People have a tendency to be un-loving.  That’s the problem.  What must I do to overcome this?  First I have to know what love is.

  1. Love is a choice and commitment.
  2. Love is action, not just emotion.
  3. Love is a skill I can learn.

Knowing this, then I must become good with love and improve my relationship with others.  It can be done.

  1. I must commit to growing spiritually.  Maturity is key.
  2. I can learn from how Jesus loves.  He’s the perfect role model for love.
  3. I must practice the skill.   It’s not easy, but I can try, daily.
  4. I have to develop the habit.   In this 40 days study, I can learn to be good in love.
  5. I must trust God to help.  God’s love is abundant and everlasting, and I must let His love flow through me.

I’m ready, God, to love this world and all of its shortcomings.   Please help me!

I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation – the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ, for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

Phillipians 1:9-11

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