Jul 11 2010

Sharing My Faith

Published by under John

I listened to Greg Laurie’s service today on Harvest Christian Church, and he talked about the most difficult part of my Christian life: How to evangelize.  Sharing my faith can be tricky in this day and age.  He covered what I need to do:

I need to go to Samaria (John 4:4), which is practically everywhere, especially where no one wants to go and be with people no one wants to be associated with. The gospel is for everyone.  If they don’t hear about Jesus’ love, they’ll be going to hell.  I have to overcome my prejudices and biases.  Everyone’s the same in the eyes of the Lord.

I need to be tactful. Evangelism is about a dialogue, not a monologue. I have to do a lot of listening. Everyone’s favorite topic is himself or herself.  I must need to learn how to respond, with tact.  The objective is to win the soul, not the argument. For example, Jesus was using the well and its water as a metaphor for her life (John 4:13).

I need to adapt to the situation.  People might try to change the subject (John 4:20), but I have to keep trying to go back to the main issue.  There is no one way to evangelize. Sometimes I have to answer a question with a question – it’s for those who just want discredit what I know.  Asking questions engages the other person, creating a bridge to a dialogue.

I need to use my story.  It’s a way to preach to a person without actually preaching.  Many people will believe as a result of my testimony (John 4:39).  A real story is a powerful message, as real as I experienced it – not exaggerated.  It’s not about me, it’s about God.

I need to faithfully deliver the word of God, giving everyone the true gospel. The truth is, the way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.  Jesus died for my sins. He’s the way, the truth, and the life.

I need to let God work through me.  He’ll give me the strength to deliver the Good News to anyone – everyone.  I need to let God direct me.

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Dec 03 2009

Continously Thankful

Published by under Colossians

It’s amazing how much things I have to deal with on this temporary place called earth.  The people, the conflicts, the heartaches, the disappointments, the hardship, etc.  I don’t think I can ever do this without God’s help – every day, every hour, every minute.

What benefits the attitude of gratitude bring for me?

  1. Keeps me in God’s will.
  2. Makes me better, not bitter.
  3. Defeats the devil!
  4. Causes miracles.

Having faith in God, it means I have to thank Him in advance.  I have to thank Him all the time, even when it seems like it’s hopeless.  Even when I don’t feel like it.  Faith keeps me going.  Faith gives me hope.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:6-7

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Nov 24 2009

Claiming the Promise of God

Published by under Nehemiah

Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, “If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.”

Nehemiah 1:8-9

Nehemiah asked God to remember.  I know God doesn’t forget His promises.  Why did Nehemiah said it, then?  It’s because he needs to remember God’s promises.  By including the promises made by God in my prayers, I shall remember my faith has its purpose.

O Lord, I thank you for all the promises you’ve fulfilled.  You said you’ll provide my need – you have!  You said you’ll protect me – you do!  You promised me eternal life – you will!  I’m grateful for all you’ve done. I’m thankful for your blessings.  I put my life in you, and claim the promises for my life.  Amen.

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Sep 02 2009


Published by under Galatians,Philippians

I’ve recently started to ride my bicycle, every other day, to stay fit and build up my endurance.  I realize my body’s endurance is not going to be strengthen in a matter of days, or even weeks.  It’s going to take months of constant trying!

I feel the same way about my spiritual endurance.  There are days when I’ve felt the growth in my walk with God.  But what I really should be doing is to step it up, and run with God!  Increase the intensity, once in a while.

Growth comes in spurts.

Nevertheless, it’s still a long run.  God promised me the prize of eternal salvation, and perfection in heaven.  To get there, I must persist.  I must not be discouraged, nor be put off.

God’s marathon is worth living!

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Philippians 3:12-14

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

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Mar 24 2009


Published by under Romans

I’ve struggled with this thought for a while: Why doesn’t God explain to me His plan?

Whenever I see hardship, unfairness, and cruelty in this world, I asked why does God let this happen?  Whenever I do something good, why does it sometime seem God doesn’t reward me?  Whenever I hear God’s calling, why does it seem it’s not always a clear message?

The answer lies in both faith and obedience.  I can’t possibly know all of God’s plan because He’s all knowing.  He reveals little by little to me.  He lets me handle what I can.  He’s a fair and just God.  I know that because of my faith in Him.

But when he does call, I have to do what He says.  I must be obedient.  It’s not my place to expect God to answer all of my questions.  I have to answer His calling.   God always have a purpose for me, in every moment of my life.  Whether He wants me to learn, endure pain, grow in character, or just sit and listen – there’ll always be a reason.

God doesn’t owe me an explanation.  I owe him my life for Jesus Christ, His Son, who died on the cross to save my otherwise meaningless existence.

Pastor Greg Laurie has a really good devotional that explained How to know God’s will.  In a nutshell, I must be a living sacrifice, be separated from this world, and live by His words (in that order).  It’s encapsulated in this scripture:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:1–2

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Jan 19 2009

Evangelism: Focus and Take That Step!

Published by under 1 Thessalonians,Ephesians

Evangelism is not one of my strongest quality of being a Christian.  I struggle with it every day because I know I’m not a convincing person.  I can’t sell anything.  Sure, I can argue and I can present my case.  But at the end of the day, no one buys it.

But God’s salvation is not for sale.  It’s to be given away.  All it takes is faith.  I know God will give me strength to evangelize, if I do His work honestly and with due diligence.  All God wants is for me to deliver the Good News.  It’s up to God to change the other person’s mind.   It’s up to them if they want to be saved.

I need to take that step to evangelize, while focusing on Jesus as the Lord and Savior.   Christ’s love, grace, and good news have to be shared – no matter how cowardly I feel.

I read Demian Farnworth’s post on “Elevator Pitch Evangelism” with two verses that will come in handy the next time someone asked me what Christianity is about:

For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.

1 Thessalonians 5:9-10

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2:4-7

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May 11 2008

Dangerous Surrender

My small group bible study just started the series on “Dangerous Surrender” based on Kay Warren’s new book. The sunday services for the past 3 weeks were done by Kay herself and she delivered the message in a very emotional way. The topics she covered are hard hitting, gut wrenching, and provocative.

For me, to surrender is like in a battle or war, stop fighting, raise my hands to give up, and submit to whom I’m fighting with. Surrendering to God is exactly that. He wants me to give up my sinful life. He wants me to stop fighting Him for control, and submit my life to His will. It’s the time to say “Yes!” to God for what He wants me to do and be.

  1. My days become an adventure.
    When God calls me to go and do something, it’s going to be a spiritual adventure, not knowing where God will take me. It will not be easy. It will not be comfortable. But it will surely be rewarding, for God’s purpose for me is always good.
  2. My life becomes a miracle.
    God will show, through me, His miracles. By faith, He will also show me His miracles.
  3. My heart becomes more peaceful.
    Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Fighting God’s will had always been in my heart since I was born. I was afraid on what God would make me do, or who I’d become. My ignorance will lead me to worry about my life. All I have to do is strive to have God’s character, for the Lord is good and compassionate. I must not let my sinful nature to get in the way. I must not let my insecurities and life pursuits to take control of me. I must set aside everything for Jesus and follow Him.

In this world, evil does exists and it’s very real. I see it every day in the news: people killing each other; people use each other for their own good; slavery is still rampant; sex trade is still happening, even to kids as young as 8 years old! It’s very sickening and despicable! I must face this reality and I must face evil!

If you don’t do what you know is right, you have sinned.

James 4:17

It’s not only in everyone else that I have to watch out for evil, but I have to keep myself in check. I was born a sinner, I will always have sin. But because Jesus also lives in me, I am saved and I don’t have to accept evil. In fact I have to hate evil!

Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

Psalm 97:10

Here’s some of the ways how I should hate evil:

  1. Don’t accept it.
    Don’t laugh with it. The world is trying to make me accept evil by making it a comedy or entertaining. They try to make the wrong words means good. Or evil things being good. It’s not right and I must not accept it.
  2. Don’t compromise with it.
    I must not brush it off as something insignificant, or pretend it won’t hurt me. I must not be numbed of evil in this world. I must not want it! I must get rid of it!
  3. Don’t participate in it.
    The world will try to make me accept evil by making it convenient and alluring to me. I don’t have to be involved in it. I don’t have to be a part of it. I must get out of it!

Also, I must not fear evil. I must resist it! I must guard my words, raise my voice, and cast my vote when faced with evil.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

Psalm 23:4

I must overcome evil. We, as a church, will wipe out evil! It’s the way God intends to use me and the church to attack evil.

This world is waiting for people who:

  1. Live Authentically.
    I must not pretend to live “religiously”. I must not pretend to be high almighty. It is so rare to find someone who authentically live for Jesus, who genuinely understand His teachings and applies it to his/her life. It’s something I have to strive for, constantly.
  2. Fight Courageously.
    I’m afraid to fight. I admit it. I don’t know if I have what it takes to be a God’s warrior. I tend to be a worry-ier. I know God is with me, I must not be afraid.
  3. Love Sacrificially.
    I must do whatever it takes to show the example of the love of God. He loves me for who I am and genuinely cares for me. I must do the same to others.

Surrendering to God is my first step. Then with His guidance, I must do good in this world.

Because we know that this extraordinary day is just ahead, we pray for you all the time—pray that our God will make you fit for what he’s called you to be, pray that he’ll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so that it all amounts to something. If your life honors the name of Jesus, he will honor you. Grace is behind and through all of this, our God giving himself freely, the Master, Jesus Christ, giving himself freely.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

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Mar 23 2008

Faith and Jesus’ Resurrection

This week is a special week.  It is Easter and it’s the time to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.  He has conquered death and took away our sins, so we can all have the promises of heaven.  This is the time to believe in Jesus.  For me, this is the time to reinforce my faith by doing these:

  • Follow His example
  • Accept His grace
  • Invest my life for Him
  • Trust His wisdom and strength
  • Hold on to His promises

When I follow Jesus, I’m given the clarity for my future and He’ll provide the stability when storms happen in my life.  I must also cry out to God whenever I need help, and without fail, He’ll provide His grace because it’s what I need.  I don’t deserve God’s grace but He gives it no matter what.  With His grace I must then give my life to serve God and others.  It’s an investment with high returns.  Believing in God means trusting Him with everything.  Not just try to believe… I must wholeheartedly trust Him.  When I trust Him, I’ll have no worries.  I love that God has given me a promise of eternal life, and it gives me hope and purpose to live in this broken world.

Dear Jesus, I want to have a real faith in you, not a fake faith.  Thank you for dying for my sins and showing me the way to live.  Today I want to become a true believer in you.  I want to follow your example.  I want to accept your gift of grace.  I need your forgiveness and mercy.  You made me for a purpose and I want to invest my life in serving you.  I want to trust your wisdom and strength.  And I want to hold on to your promises when times are tough.   Amen. 

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Jan 24 2008

Repay what I owe

Published by under Romans

Don’t run up debts, except for the huge debt of love you owe each other.

Romans 13:8

To owe money is not fun. I constantly think how much time I have before I can repay it. Can I repay it? Being in debt is a lonely feeling because the burden is on me to pay that money back. I am glad that God wants to help. If I just trust my finances to Him, He’ll enable me to repay my debts.

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Jan 01 2008

Looking Forward

It’s a new year. It sure doesn’t feel like a new year. It’s helpful to look back and learn from my mistakes, but it is more important for me to look forward. When I set my sights on eternity, the new years and birthdays are just not as scary anymore. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

My old self is gone indeed! I have to look forward to what I can accomplish, what I can learn, and what I can do for others. From last Sunday, we learned to do these to look forward to the new year:

  1. Let go of my worries.
    I look forward to get rid of my logical self who always try to get in the way of God’s will. I must pray about everything, I tell God what I need, and I must thank Him at all times. (See Philippians 4:6-7) I must let go of my past, enjoy the present, and look forward to the future.
  2. Adjust my expectations.
    I must expect the best. I must realize God works even in the worse situations. I must focus on the greatest things that God has given me, such as His goodness, His faithfulness, and His son, Jesus Christ.
  3. Take a step of faith.
    James 2:17 says,

    In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

    I must go through all of the doors. If God wanted me to go through it, He will open it for me. If it is God’s will, then nothing will be impossible for me.

  4. Hold on to God’s love.
    I must not let work, busy-ness, world issues, or people’s opinions stop me from holding on to God’s promises and love. He’s always there for me and will always be. Paul said in Romans 8:38-39,

    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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