Jan 25 2014

Tempation and Forgiveness of Sin

If we say that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn’t in our hearts. But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.

1 John 1:8-9

I’ll always be tempted. I’ll always be tested. I’ll always fall down. But, the good news is God will never let me stay down. He offers a way out.  In Him, I have an escape route. God will not tempt me beyond my capabilities (1 Corinthians 10:13).

However, I do have to abide in Him. I do have to ask for forgiveness whenever the temptation is too great and I give into it. I need to have an accountability partner. I’m not in this alone. I have God on my side. I just have to beware that the more God use me, the more Satan will tempt me to move away from God.

Lead me, Lord, to your salvation. Lead me out of temptation and into Christ’s perfect love. Rescue me when I’m down. Fix me when I’m broken. Forgive my sins as I forgive others. Thank you, Abba Father!

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Jan 24 2014

New Start

Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

God promised me a new life.  The old person that I was, I must leave behind. Everything is new. I’m a new person.  I get a new start. Sin no more, for sin brings shame, guilt, and eventually, death.  I want Jesus in my life so I may live a new life – with Him on my side.


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Jan 21 2014

His Children

Yet some people accepted him and put their faith in him. So he gave them the right to be the children of God. They were not God’s children by nature or because of any human desires. God himself was the one who made them his children.

John 1:12-13

God says I’m His son.  I have the same privileges as Jesus when He said “Abba Father” in the Garden of Getshemane. I’m forever grateful that He is my protector and provider.  My future is in good hands!


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Jan 20 2014

Am I Safe?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

Until we all believe that Jesus Christ is our personal savior, none of us are safe.  I proclaim that Jesus is the savior of my life. I confess my sins, daily, and walk towards becoming more and more like Jesus.  For He is perfect, and I am not.  That is a worthwhile transformation for my life!

Heaven is my reward.  Jesus is the one and only way!


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Mar 04 2013

Avoid the Traps

To fulfill my purpose, I must avoid two traps:

  1. Being envious of other people
  2. Trying to please everyone

I know I’ve been guilty of both. I look at someone, my family or friend, and thought, why can’t I have what they have?  Why can’t I have more children? Why can’t I have a more discipline parent? Why can’t I be as outgoing as him?

Also, as an introvert, I always thought what I do is never enough, and I always end up keeping things to myself.  When I speak up, I tend to offend someone – or at least got the vibe I have offended them. So I clam up when someone said something incorrect. I did what everyone else is doing because it would make it look acceptable.

The good news is that these traps are avoidable.  I have God to guide me. He’s the one I have to concentrate on. He’s the one I have to please. I only have to compare myself with precious Jesus, because He is the king of my life.  Jesus shows me how to love. Jesus is the symbol of sacrifice.  He wasn’t out to please everyone, as it clearly shown when people mocked and killed Him on the cross.

So I must focus on Jesus. God will ask me, what have I done with His Son? I will please only God.  I will only keep Him as my #1!

If the Son gives you freedom, you are free!

John 8:36


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Feb 28 2013

My Great Commitment

My life purpose is to make a great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Rick Warren – “The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?”

My purpose in life is to serve God, with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul.  Jesus is the center of my life.  He is my pilot. I will go where he commands me to go. I am here to fulfill His purpose and do His will.

What comes naturally is my character growth and that, in itself, is a beneficial purpose. I can use it to serve others, especially my family and body of Christ.

Then I will share what I know to the world – if they want it. With this world increasingly hostile to Christians, it’s scary! I need my faith in Jesus to prevail. I need my God to guide and protect me.

My great commitment is to the Lord. I surrender all to Him.

We may make a lot of plans, but the Lord will do what he has decided.

Proverbs 19:21

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Feb 25 2013

My Story

My life before Jesus was a mess. It was a hodge-podge of goals, unfulfilled priorities, and all sorts of different directions.  I didn’t have deep meaningful relationships that could last for a long time.  I basically wandered around in the desert for more than 20 years!  I basically blamed it on my youthful pursuits and peer pressures.

Before I got married, I realized I could not make the same mistakes in my previous relationship.  If this marriage is to work, I need to be very serious with God first.  I need to re-commit my life to Him.

I needed to be born again for the 2nd time. I was pressured to go to church when I was a teenager, but now I want to go by (and for) myself!  I need to be a spiritual leader and be the strong in faith, because both my wife and daughter will look up to me for spiritual and moral support.

The difference in my life was dramatic.  I could see how much better I would be when dealing with problems if I knew how to be patient. I could deal with people better when I knew serving others was the key to good relationships.  I’m less angry now because of God’s grace and Jesus’ sacrifice.

My priorities have changed. I set my sights on eternal rewards and I’m now at peace with myself.


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Feb 24 2013

My Purpose Is For Missions

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:19–20

There is hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is freedom from all of this sickness on earth. God is the omega. For eternity, I’m commanded to tell others about it.  I must tell others of the good news!

What scares me about me mission trips are the unknowns. I even fear for my life, since I may end up in poverty stricken places where crime is rampant.  When I get there, do I even know what to say? Do I know what to do?  How can I be an effective witness – just by being there?  Where do I start?

I can start right here in my neighborhood. I can be witnesses to my friends. I can be Christ’s example to my co-workers. I can do good locally. This is where I’ll start. I have to start my mission, for it’s part of my purpose that God has given to me!

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Feb 22 2013

Serve With A Grateful Heart

I often asked, why ministry is so hard?  Why can’t I find the time to just do it? Why can’t I just be glad to be in whatever ministry that’s offered to me?

It all starts from my heart.

I must be willing to be used. I must first understand, because Jesus gave His grace, I must do the same to others. I can’t think of myself first. I must think of others first – their needs, their concerns. Then I use my “shape” and God’s guidance to help out.

Here’s an important perspective to practice my servant-life attitude:

And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two.

Matthew 5:41

Strong command, indeed.

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Feb 20 2013

Be Fruitful

Now that God has worked my character, I must now show the fruits of that effort. Have I seen what I can do?  Have I seen Jesus’ character reflecting from me? Have others see the change (for the better) in me?

Looking back, I wished my character was shaped a long time ago. But, looking back, I realized it was my fault – I was supremely selfish. I rejected the good teachings from my elders at Church, and my family!  I only wanted to do what I wanted to do. Most of the time, I was out to impress others – and that only molded me into someone that I wasn’t meant to be. A lot of good years wasted.

No more. Now is the time to focus on God. Now is the time to be like Jesus. As God be my only reliable witness, now is the time to be fruitful, by serving others!


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