Jan 24 2009

Money Focused

Published by at 7:30 am under 2 Timothy

fila/rgurov (philarguros)

  • loving money, avarice

One thing this world teached me is that money is everything.  I’ll never have too much of it.   I must never have to little of it!  Money means security.  Money means comfort.  Money means status.

Money defines all aspects of my life.  It’s what I think about every day when I go to work.  How do I make more money?  What can I do to make my company more money?  Will my colleagues make enough money to make ends meet?

Money is in everyone’s mind these days too.  Will the economy improve so everyone has enough money to make ends meet?  Can the government cut spending so they’ll spend less of the people’s money?  When will Obama print more money to help us get out of debt?

It boggles my mind how money-centric I can be.

God certainly didn’t make me to think about money all the time.  He wants me to praise Him and be grateful that I’ve been given a life to live.  He wants me to help others, and not focus on hoarding all the money I can get.  I must not be crazy to choose money over eternity.

For people will be… lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth…

2 Timothy 3:2

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