Archive for August, 2009

Aug 08 2009

Sexual Identity

Published by under Genesis,Proverbs

It’s a subject the mainstream media have already bombarded the youth of America.  The message is clear: sexual freedom.  Anyone is free to have sex whenever they want, whoever they want, and worry about the consequences later (ie. abortion).  The media taught young girls it’s cool to lose their virginity early.  For young boys, it’s a right of passage and a sign of manhood.  In the end, as adults, it’s just part of “growing up”.

For me, I know for a fact, having sex out of context of marriage, was a destructive move.  When both me and my girlfriend were not ready, it brought a lot of emotional baggage.  The future seemed unclear because we were just focused on the moment.  My own parents were not restricting my sexual freedom.  I was allowed to learn my mistakes.  I didn’t get any punishment – only empty warnings.

In hindsight, now that I’m a parent, I need to get involved in my daughter’s search of her sexual identity.  Even though she is 4 right now, I still  have to watch how I treat and influence her.  As a Dad, I represent the man in the family, and let her know men are not the enemy, but also the provider of love and affection.  I must be there when she has questions about boys/men.

These are the things I must insist on my child:

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Aug 07 2009

Personal Integrity

Published by under Proverbs,Psalms,Romans

It’s easy to do whatever I want.  Everything is permissible.  God gave us free will.

But, is it beneficial?  Is it right?  Is it according to God’s laws and commands?

Raising a child with a sense of personal integrity is a tough thing to do nowadays.  This world has turned sarcastic and cynical.  The world is teaching kids to speak with a double meanings.  The society doesn’t have a clear standard on what’s right and what’s wrong.  The world teaches there’s really no one to trust – not even God!

I must teach my child to speak carefully.  Listen more, speak less.  When she does speak, she must choose her words carefully.  Always to build.  Always in kindness.  Always thinking.

From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive. Kind words are like honey — sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Proverbs 16:23-24

God gave us an instruction manual to follow: the Bible.  We can live our lives with God’s integrity, if I just read it constantly and abide by it.  I have to plant His words in my heart so my private life reflects my public life.

I have to run back to God.  The same goes for child.

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Aug 06 2009

Be Helpful

We are all selfish, by nature. It takes a lot discipline, love, and God’s grace to be kind, sharing, and helpful person.  I thank God every day I’m able to teach my daughter how to listen and share with her friends.  I try to teach her to have awareness of others around her, including towards the adults.  She needs to be aware of other people’s troubles and problems.

She’s a very strong willed child and have short attention span, so I struggle with teaching her to listen attentively.  I say my breath prayers all the time to keep me calm and patient.  Sometimes, I lose my temper, and it’s important I show her that I’m humble to ask for forgiveness.

But all in all, it’s worth the trouble.  I love my daughter so much that I’ll sacrifice my time and effort to teach her this virtue.  God wants to help me to build her up, just as He does to me.

Lord, it’s not easy, going against my nature, to think about other people.  We are all selfish, and always think about ourselves.  Help me deal with this daily struggle.  Help me to help others, especially my daughter, to become a builder of relationships, an instrument of kindness, and a foundation based on Jesus’ teachings and laws.  Thank you for the life you’ve given us.  Amen.

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Aug 02 2009

Believe to be Capable

Published by under Exodus,Romans

There’s a lot of competition in this world.  Product ads on TV, magazines, or billboards always say that we don’t have enough.  They always say we are not good enough.  There’s an inflated standard that we are deceptively told to aspire to.

Being better than we are is a good goal, especially for my child.  I want her to be better than me.  I want her to be more successful than me.  However, all of that improvement has to be for something greater than herself.  It has to be for God and others.

I have to show her to develop her gifts.  I need to help her discover her gifts.  I have to give her all of the opportunities.  She will not be successful in everything, but she will shine in some things.  Those will be God’s given talent.  Those will be her purpose and ministry.  As she develop her talent and confidence, she’ll be capable to take on mountains!

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.

Romans 1:11-12

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