Search Results for "anger"

Feb 14 2012

Anger Is Not Right

Published by under 40 Days In the Word,James

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

James 1:19–20

Pastor Rick once said, God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we should be listening more than speaking. This verse additionally tells me to not get angry too easily.  Instead, I should be listening more intently, with understanding and compassion.  Then I may talk with kindness, and the very last thing I should do is get angry.

Should I get angry at all? The Message version of the Bible summarized it like this:

Post this at all the intersections, dear friends: Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear. God’s righteousness doesn’t grow from human anger. So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life.

I should not get angry with evil intentions. If I find myself wanting to speak or act in anger, I must let God be the one doing the talking and acting. God does not react in evil ways. He’s the author of life and the knows everyone’s future. He’s the only perfect solution to any problem.

I plant myself with God’s word, so I may yield fruitful life and relationships. Self-righteous anger is not right.  God-centered solution is what I need, with strength under pressure.

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Sep 12 2009

Anger Management

Published by under Proverbs

I’ve always stated in this devotional blog that I have a problem with anger.  In this blog I counted 16 previous posts that mentioned anger.

It’s no coincidence that it’s a popular subject.  Recently, Pastor Rick Warren had 6 Purpose Driven devotionals related to anger.  Apparently it’s a common problem with people.  It’s the #1 problem with our lives.

I jumped in conclusion too fast.  I judged people too harshly.  I didn’t listen very well.

It’s something I have to seriously deal with in my life.   Obviously, I have to the exact opposite to control my anger.

I have to start thinking of other people first.   I have to slow down and give others the benefit of a doubt.  Most of all, I have to listen (not just hear) what others have to say.

The cost of anger is too high.  I must be smart about it and control my anger.

Hot tempers cause arguments, but patience brings peace.

Proverbs 15:18

People with quick tempers cause a lot of quarreling and trouble.

Proverbs 29:22

People with a hot temper do foolish things; wiser people remain calm.

Proverbs 14:17

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Mar 27 2009

Dealing With Anger

Published by under Galatians,James

One of my worse personality flaw is my quickness to anger.  I was brought up in a realtively dysfunctional family, and my parents are not readily there to guide me in the ways of patience and humility.  They were not Christians back when I was growing up.   We are Christians now and we’ve been taught many times to keep our angry words and thoughts at bay.  The bible says:

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

James 1:19-20

God certainly doesn’t want me to be angry at another, let alone antagonize others.  I must first listen to God, listen to others, and listen to my own heart.  I need to let the spirit of God guide me.  The fruits of the spirit is love, gentleness, patience, and self-control.  It’s what I have to attain to deal with my anger issues.

Thank you, Lord, for filling my heart and mind with your holy spirit.  You know how many times I had burst in anger, being disrepectful, and hurtful to others.  Please forgive me, Lord.  Your kindness and patience towards me exemplifies what I have to do to others.  Guide me, as always.  Fill my heart with gentleness.  Give me the strength to gain self-control.  Provide me the gift of discernment and quick thinking to know the difference between right and wrong.  Let your words flow in me, and in all of us.  Amen.

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May 11 2008

Dangerous Surrender

My small group bible study just started the series on “Dangerous Surrender” based on Kay Warren’s new book. The sunday services for the past 3 weeks were done by Kay herself and she delivered the message in a very emotional way. The topics she covered are hard hitting, gut wrenching, and provocative.

For me, to surrender is like in a battle or war, stop fighting, raise my hands to give up, and submit to whom I’m fighting with. Surrendering to God is exactly that. He wants me to give up my sinful life. He wants me to stop fighting Him for control, and submit my life to His will. It’s the time to say “Yes!” to God for what He wants me to do and be.

  1. My days become an adventure.
    When God calls me to go and do something, it’s going to be a spiritual adventure, not knowing where God will take me. It will not be easy. It will not be comfortable. But it will surely be rewarding, for God’s purpose for me is always good.
  2. My life becomes a miracle.
    God will show, through me, His miracles. By faith, He will also show me His miracles.
  3. My heart becomes more peaceful.
    Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Fighting God’s will had always been in my heart since I was born. I was afraid on what God would make me do, or who I’d become. My ignorance will lead me to worry about my life. All I have to do is strive to have God’s character, for the Lord is good and compassionate. I must not let my sinful nature to get in the way. I must not let my insecurities and life pursuits to take control of me. I must set aside everything for Jesus and follow Him.

In this world, evil does exists and it’s very real. I see it every day in the news: people killing each other; people use each other for their own good; slavery is still rampant; sex trade is still happening, even to kids as young as 8 years old! It’s very sickening and despicable! I must face this reality and I must face evil!

If you don’t do what you know is right, you have sinned.

James 4:17

It’s not only in everyone else that I have to watch out for evil, but I have to keep myself in check. I was born a sinner, I will always have sin. But because Jesus also lives in me, I am saved and I don’t have to accept evil. In fact I have to hate evil!

Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

Psalm 97:10

Here’s some of the ways how I should hate evil:

  1. Don’t accept it.
    Don’t laugh with it. The world is trying to make me accept evil by making it a comedy or entertaining. They try to make the wrong words means good. Or evil things being good. It’s not right and I must not accept it.
  2. Don’t compromise with it.
    I must not brush it off as something insignificant, or pretend it won’t hurt me. I must not be numbed of evil in this world. I must not want it! I must get rid of it!
  3. Don’t participate in it.
    The world will try to make me accept evil by making it convenient and alluring to me. I don’t have to be involved in it. I don’t have to be a part of it. I must get out of it!

Also, I must not fear evil. I must resist it! I must guard my words, raise my voice, and cast my vote when faced with evil.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

Psalm 23:4

I must overcome evil. We, as a church, will wipe out evil! It’s the way God intends to use me and the church to attack evil.

This world is waiting for people who:

  1. Live Authentically.
    I must not pretend to live “religiously”. I must not pretend to be high almighty. It is so rare to find someone who authentically live for Jesus, who genuinely understand His teachings and applies it to his/her life. It’s something I have to strive for, constantly.
  2. Fight Courageously.
    I’m afraid to fight. I admit it. I don’t know if I have what it takes to be a God’s warrior. I tend to be a worry-ier. I know God is with me, I must not be afraid.
  3. Love Sacrificially.
    I must do whatever it takes to show the example of the love of God. He loves me for who I am and genuinely cares for me. I must do the same to others.

Surrendering to God is my first step. Then with His guidance, I must do good in this world.

Because we know that this extraordinary day is just ahead, we pray for you all the time—pray that our God will make you fit for what he’s called you to be, pray that he’ll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so that it all amounts to something. If your life honors the name of Jesus, he will honor you. Grace is behind and through all of this, our God giving himself freely, the Master, Jesus Christ, giving himself freely.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

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Feb 17 2013

Patience Is The Key To Maturity

These things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!

Habakkuk 2:3

There is instant saving, by accepting Jesus as my personal Lord and savior.  But, there is no instant maturity. There is no instant growth – especially not the strong growth that I expect. There are many things I need to get rid of in my life:

  • Anger issues: I need to restrain myself when I’m angry because the zoo comes out when I do. I forget what I’ve learned and became instantly stupid.  This is costly, especially for my relationships with others, especially with my wife.
  • Tact issues: I tend to speak my mind, but that is not a good thing all the time. In fact, I best serve others but holding back, because I’m not even correct most of the time!  I make mistakes and shouldn’t compound it with a motor mouth.
  • Lust issues: My thoughts can run wild – it’s a struggle a man always have. The devil always tells me it’s part of being the male species. However, I don’t have to give in to it. Thoughts may come, but I won’t (and can’t) let it take action!
  • Worry issues: I can be a perfectionist, at times. I care too much, sometimes about things that don’t matter. Instead of focusing on the priorities and what matters most (like God and family), I focus on the trivial issues like work, friendship, or politics.
  • Dishonesty issues: I won’t lie, but sometimes lie is the way to get out of embarrassing situations, for myself or for my family.  I also use half-truths, which is still a lie. I’ll also include ignorance as a self-imposed lie.  This is the devil’s handiest tool to stifle my growth. I must be completely honest to God and to others.

I’ll hang on to God’s promise that He’ll transform me, slowly. I want to grow like an oak tree, not a mushroom. Strong and majestic is my goal. With Jesus as my role model, I’m slowly getting there!

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Apr 08 2012

Being Afraid

Published by under John,Romans

I’ve felt that awful feeling of being afraid, many times. All sorts of fear, too.  But at my age, the one fear that still lingers is death.  Where will I go after I close my eyes for the last time? What will I feel?  Will my doubts be confirmed? Will I be able to be see Jesus since I’ve accepted Him as my Lord and Savior?

Of course, God has promised that I’ll be with Him because He gave His son for me. The bible says so:

But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful. But there is more! Now that God has accepted us because Christ sacrificed his life’s blood, we will also be kept safe from God’s anger. Even when we were God’s enemies, he made peace with us, because his Son died for us. Yet something even greater than friendship is ours. Now that we are at peace with God, we will be saved by his Son’s life.

Romans 5:8-10

It’s a beautiful picture of sacrifice and love.

So how do I know how I’ll be there with God?  In John 3:16, it’s simply accepting Jesus as my personal savior. When I’ve truly accepted Jesus, His grace and love pour out of me – and consequently, I will no longer be afraid.

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Mar 04 2012

God Changes Lives

Published by under Luke

There is one universal need for all humanity: A need to worship.  It can be anything, or anyone.  Unfortunately, most people choose anything other than the one true God, Jesus Christ.  It’s a pity, because I’ve experienced the life changing effect of God’s word and grace. He’s there when I talk to Him. He gives me strength when I need Him. His word, the Bible, tells me a lot of about myself and how I should behave.

The fruit of my spirit is patience and self-control.  I don’t know how many times I’ve managed my anger issues, and my impulsiveness, through God’s guidance.  I wouldn’t be able to do it – as my youthful years were proof of it.

Now that I’m fully committed to following God’s word, I’m fully enveloped in His glory and safety. My faith is strengthen by each passing moment. I’m reaching my goal – my heavenly goal, sooner than I think.  Life is fleeting and I want to spend it in God’s presence.  For I need a stable life. I need a changed life, away from this world.

Nothing is impossible with God! (Luke 1:37)

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Feb 24 2012

Pray For Your Needs

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6–7

God is a giver. He will give me what I need, if I only ask for it.  Most of the time, God gives without even me asking for it!  He makes miracles happen every day for me.  I don’t understand how He knows, but He knows!  He knows what’s in my heart. He knows what’s in my mind.

So I need to be careful what I put in my mind and heart. Filthy things cloud my connection with God. Obscene things hinder God’s blessings.  Pride and anger deviate my walk with God.  I have to be right, according to God’s laws.

I’ll feed on God’s word, every day, so I’ll know what He has in store for me, and I don’t have to worry about anything.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the provisions you have given me. Thank you for the ones will you give, because I know you’re a benevolent God. You know what I need before I even know!  I love you during my ups and downs, and I can always rely on you.  I give this time, this life, this resource that I have, all to you – so you may do as you please, according to your will. Amen.


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Feb 06 2012

Do What It Says!

Published by under 40 Days In the Word,James,Mark

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

James 1:22-25

I try to read my Bible, every day. I try to learn from it. I try to make it a part of my life.

But as God said, don’t just merely a reader – go and do it!  I don’t want to sit here, thinking I’m so high and mighty after reading the entire Bible, cover to cover, in multiple languages.  God is not impressed by my knowledge alone. God is more impressed with what I’ll do with His laws.

Will I obey and help the poor?  Will I listen and don’t be quick to anger or judge? Will I be transformed by changing all of bad habits into good ones, according to His word?  If I want to be a better person, I have to do what God’s words say!

In Mark 8:34-38, God commands me to “take up my cross”. This was what Jesus did for me when He died on the cross. He served people. He healed people. He gave people hope. He worked long and difficult to heal this world – and ultimately sacrificed Himself so we can be saved.

My sin to confess is that I don’t do enough to help others. I fear the consequences of giving too much money away. I fear what others think of me. I fear criticism.

But I hold on to God’s promise that I will be vindicated if I do the right thing. When I’m not selfish, I will be justified. When I help others, I will be rewarded.

The choices I made help shape my attitude. To be like Christ, I can’t be like this world. I don’t need to care about what others think. I must only care what Jesus think of me.

Thus, I will obey God’s command to go out there and be a light to this world. I need to be a good ambassador for Christ.

The ultimate example is Mother Theresa for doing good deeds. She sacrificed a lot, just to help others. Not many can match her dedication, but I must try!

I must also watch out for my pride. I can’t be too proud of my good deeds. I must focus the glory to God, for He gives me the strength to be un-selfish.

Truth to remember:

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Mark 8:36

I am so thankful that God sent Jesus to be the greatest example and teacher, I can learn from. He’s the blueprint for humanity. He gives me the ability to go forth and be helpful!

I will do what He says!


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Jan 13 2011

The Name of The Lord

Published by under Exodus,Romans

I’ve always known the name of Jesus, my God, has power.  It  has a power to heal. It has a power to change lives.

Yet there are those today who abuses this powerful name for a mere insult.  They just throw it around when they’re angry or frustrated.  This world has so much contempt over the one true God.

It makes me sad that anyone would use God’s name in vain.  God strictly prohibits it (Exodus 20:7).  Maybe the mere fact that I’m offended by the misuse, it’s the very reason they abuse it.  They want to use God’s name as a mean to anger and stir up emotions.

I rather use God’s name to bless and to save people.  That’s what He promised will happen:

For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Romans 10:12-13

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