Oct 06 2009

The Truth About God

Published by under Isaiah,Luke

I know it takes faith to believe in God.  However, it takes more faith not to believe because what if I’m wrong?  I’m not perfect.  I’m not always right.  If there’s a higher power, wouldn’t I want to be on His side?

As a child, I was jaded.  I was invincible.  I felt I could do it all, in good health (even though not in perfect shape), and had a lot of years ahead of me.

Upon reflection, I was relying too much on myself.  I know now that God was looking after me.

I know God:

  1. Exists
  2. Cares about me.
  3. Has the power to help me.

God has answered my prayers multiple times.  He knows my needs and have provided.  He will always provide because He has an infinite power.

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

Luke 18:27

When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.

Isaiah 43:2

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Oct 04 2009

Knowing God’s Character

Published by under Matthew,Psalms

I’ve asked the question before, “What kind of God do I serve?”  Some folks would paint Him as a mean God, full of fire and brimstone.  Another folks would consider Him as a aloof God, so distant and hard of hearing.

The truth is, I used to compare God with my own parents.  My parents are generous, so naturally I considered God is a generous one.  My Dad is also hot tempered, so I thought God got angry a lot, too.

The real truth of God’s character is in the Bible.

God knows my situation.  He knows about my pain, grief, hurts, and struggles.  He knows what I need before I ask him.

God cares about my situation.  He knows that I’m weak and constantly needs help.  God has compassion for me.  He wants the best to happen to me.  He wants to bless me.  I just have to let Him by surrendering my life, and accept Christ as my personal Lord and savior.

Until I understand God’s true character, I can’t completely trust Him.

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Jul 26 2009

Honest Child

Published by under John,Proverbs

It’s human nature to lie.  My inclination is to lie to get what I want.  I don’t tell the truth (or half-truth) to cover up my mistakes or shortcomings.  It’s no different with my child.  She doesn’t have to be taught to lie and she already knows how to do it!

To tell the truth, at all times, is difficult to do.  It’s a discipline.  It requires effort. It requires accountability.  God is watching.

It would be easier if every time I lie, God will send a lightning bolt, or something, to correct me.  However, God does want to bless me, and he won’t do it if I constantly lie.  In fact, He’ll settle the score if I am not repentant.  There will always be a day of reckoning.

A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will perish.

Proverbs 19:9

As a parent, I must model honesty in my family.  Especially to my child.  There needs to be sincerity in all apologies.  There needs to be fairness in all the things we do.

I have to be involved.  I have to engage my kid to ensure she knows I care, and I’m paying attention.   God only wants honest people, and that’s who I want to bring up.

The truth shall make us free.

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Feb 21 2009

Double Dealing

Published by under 2 Timothy,John

prodo/thv (Prodotes)

  • a betrayer, traitor

I put backstabbers in the same league as murderers.  That’s basically what they are: killers of good character and reputation.  They undermine trust.  They’re just dangerous.

Yet this kind of behavior is the favorite way of making Hollywood movies. Anything that stirs up strong emotions like murder, rape, and betrayal are famously rewarded in box office numbers.  Do we, as a society, really need more examples on how bad this world is?  Are we so “comfortable” with the subject that we’re numb to it?  Are we expecting people to be like this?

I hope not.

The good news is, God will expose the wolf in sheep clothing.  God knows what’s inside the heart, as Jesus did by identifying Judas.  Jesus is all about the truth.  Salvation is only through Him, so I must embrace the truth.  I shall not betray anyone, that includes God.

They will betray their friends…

2 Timothy 3:4

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Feb 20 2008

Feeding Myself

Last week, Pastor Rick’s sermon was very much appropriate for this blog. It was a topic on devotional. Feeding myself the word of God to ensure my spiritual growth. First and foremost, I must accept the bible’s authority as the source of truths for my life. I have to be in tune with God to get a lot more out of the bible.I must watch out for unreliable source of authorities:

  • Culture – truth by personality, truth by popularity. Do not follow the crowd who can turn good to bad, and bad to good, completely muddling the truth. If it was true, it was not new. Truth will always be the same.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 5:20

  • Tradition – I’ve always done it that way, so it must be right.
  • Reason – my logic doesn’t always dictate.
  • Emotions – my feelings can lie.

God’s word is always true. His truth, exposes our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training to live in God’s way. God’s words show me the path, when I get off the path, how I can get on the path, and to stay on the path. I must study and search the scriptures, not just read it.

The difference between bible reading and bible study is taking notes. The shortest pencil is the longest form of memory. The secret of bible study is asking questions, asks the usual who, when, where, what, why, and how. The Devotional Study Form is going to help me study the bible even better.

  1. Pray. I must ask God for insight. Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
  2. Meditate (seriously thinking). If I know how to worry, I already know how to meditate. Keep thinking about it and going it over, and over again. Like a cow ruminates on grass. I must reflect on what I’ve just read.
  3. Apply it using “S.P.A.C.E.P.E.T.S” I’ll be blessed if I do them. The application must be personal, practical, possible, and provable.
  4. Memorize. It is the sword in my life to resist temptation. Every time Jesus was tempted, he used the scripture to resist the devil.

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Dec 10 2007

Staying Right

Published by under Deuteronomy

How can I stay righteous? That word has been abused many times by secular people who want to point out the hypocritical ways of religious folks. Being righteous is a natural result when my center of the universe is God. In Deuteronomy 18:17-19 (Message):

And God said to me, “They’re right; they’ve spoken the truth. I’ll raise up for them a prophet like you from their kinsmen. I’ll tell him what to say and he will pass on to them everything I command him. And anyone who won’t listen to my words spoken by him, I will personally hold responsible.

Like the prophets, God will speak the right words through me and will make His words come true. It is important that I must follow God’s instructions: to love by forgiving and comforting others. The actions I do today will have repercussions in the future, so I must be careful with what I say (and do).  The motives of my heart must be right.  I must let God be the guiding star in the night.

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Nov 14 2007

The truth shall set me free

Published by under 40 Days of Purpose,John

What has God already told me in his Word that I haven’t started doing yet?

The Purpose Driven Life, p. 192

I believe God has already told me to get a spiritual partner for discipleship and accountability. I must do the following to get a step closer to that:

  • Know more believers.
  • Trust other believers.
  • Share with other believers.
  • Pray with other believers.

I must not let my pride silence the voice of God. The actions I must take may not be easy and it will require me to get out of my comfort zone.

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:31-32 (ESV)

God, give me strength to do your will. Give me the wisdom to know what is right and wrong. Open the doors that you want me to go through. Amen.

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