Archive for the 'Mark' Category

Feb 03 2012


Published by under Mark

In Mark 6:35-44, it’s the story of Jesus feeding thousands of people. What’s remarkable about this story, Jesus did it with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish!

How is that possible?  I picture Jesus taking the bread and fish, look up to sky, and then they just multiply, enabling the disciples to feed everyone there.  It’s a miracle.

It’s also God’s way to say that I just look up to Him, and ask to provide for my needs.  He is the ultimate provider. He will not let me go hungry.  He will not let me down.

For this, I will give Jesus what little things I have, and let Him multiply it, for everyone’s benefit.


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Feb 02 2012

Faith Heals

Published by under 40 Days In the Word,Mark

In Mark 5:21-43, Jesus was being sought after as someone who could heal the sick. People everywhere were flocking to see Him. A woman even got healed by touching His clothes!  Jesus then perform the miracle that only God can do – raise the dead!

Picturing myself in that crowd, I’ll follow Him wherever He goes. Not just for the spectacle of it, but for the sheer awe and amazement on what He can do.  He’s fully aware of His power, yet, He’s humble about it and insists no one talks about it.

If I were Jesus, I would just go around and heal people everywhere, not worrying about the crowd, and not worrying about my status as a “miracle worker”.

But Jesus had a bigger plan. He was not in this world to become a rock star. He was here to show us that having faith in God is the miracle in itself.

Ultimately, He was here to save us all, through faith in Him.


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Feb 01 2012

Got Faith?

Published by under 40 Days In the Word,Mark

In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus’ disciples went through a storm on a boat.  They were scared and wondered why Jesus was calm.  Then, Jesus calmly commanded the wind to die down and asked that difficult question, “Where is your faith?”

I picture myself as one of the disciples, panicking over the turbulence of my life. I see difficulty, and I will get that panic attack.  I will get that unsettling feeling that something needs to be done.

I will try to fix it myself.

But, as a believer of Christ, I don’t try to fix it by myself. I don’t question God’s will.  I must have faith that God will do something. I must know the storms in my life are temporary. I know God is there to help me.


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Jan 31 2012

Shriveled Hand

Published by under 40 Days In the Word,Mark

In Mark 3:1-6, Mark described a situation in which Jesus healed a sick and dying man, with shriveled hand, on a sabbath day.  The law, during that time, stated Jesus must not heal during sabbath.  Jesus knew this.

But Jesus also knew compassion. He also knew the needs of the people. If I were the sick person, I would want Jesus to restore me – no matter what day it was!  I would come to Jesus, any day any night, just to ask Him to provide for me. I would ask Him to heal my hurts.

There’s no sabbath for providing help.

In this day and age, where everything is being criticized, even for good works – wouldn’t it be more refreshing if we all praise what’s good?  Wouldn’t it be amazing to focus and get excited on positive news? Wouldn’t it be great if we could ask for healing and get it, right away?

I have this “shriveled” hand. I need it restored so I may help others. At any time!

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Mar 27 2010

The Significance of the Donkey

Published by under Isaiah,John,Luke,Mark,Matthew

When my toddler got her first illustrated bible from the church, I thought it would make a good introduction for her.  I would read chapter by chapter each day (short ones), and she would get excited about looking at the pictures of Moses, Noah’s Ark, Jesus and His disciples.

When I get to the section called “The True King”, it illustrated a donkey and Jesus riding it during Passover Feast.  It’s outlined in the books of Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:29-42, and John 12:12-19.  The picture of the donkey is cute and we got a kick out of looking at it.  I said to myself, that’s odd why they would focus on this donkey.

As it turns out, the donkey (and the subsequent Jesus arrival to Jerusalem on it) was prophesied earlier in Isaiah 21:7.  Jesus had fulfilled that prophecy.

The Bible confirmed Jesus is the one true king, as shown by God’s vision.

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Nov 03 2009

Preventing Relapse

Published by under Mark,Psalms

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.

Mark 14:38

Jesus tells me to be watchful, and pray, on a daily basis, if I don’t want to fall back into my sinful nature.  I can prevent this relapse in poor judgment.  I can prevent this relapse into bad habits.  I have to ensure that I develop good habits.

First, I must always evaluate myself:

  1. Physically
  2. Emotionally
  3. Relationally
  4. Spiritually

If any of these don’t feel right, I must pray God reveal His will and steer me back into the right direction.

Then, I must meditate on God’s word on a daily basis.  It doesn’t take much.  Five minutes will work.  As long as I have that quiet time with Him, I’m moving a step closer to His perfection.  To meditate, I must:

  1. Reverse worry:  Produce positive thoughts – think it, say it, over and over.
  2. Listen: Slow down and hear God’s speaking to my heart.
  3. Memorize: Know my bible verses so I can use them to fight sin. (Psalm 119:11)

Finally, I must pray about everything!  Nothing is too big or too small for God.  He’s creator of all things good.  I have to ask, then I shall receive.

Jesus, thank you for the strength you provided me today.  I fight off the temptation to sin.  I fight off my tendencies to do what’s wrong and lazy.  All because you’re in my heart.  I want your peace, God  I want to reach your perfection.  Lift up my spirits, Lord.  Lead the way so I shall not relapse.  Amen.

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Dec 30 2008

Take It Slow and Let It Grow

Published by under Mark

I started this devotional blog with the lofty intention of writing frequently, at least once a day.  It was easy to do that when I have The Purpose Driven Life as a starting point.  I would read one chapter a day for 40 days, hoping the 6 weeks writing schedule will make it a habit for me.  As the months go by, my schedules at work and home started to pile up.  They affected my daily commitment.  I became complacent after a while.  Now, it’s lucky if I even write once a week!  This is not good.   I could see it in my daily life too.  I became agitated easily.  I became increasingly forgetful how God has been good to me.  I’m beginning to take interest in secular music that has absolutely no spiritual value.  I sometimes forget to pray.  I even make a quick prayer before meals without clasping my hands, closing my eyes, nor bowing my head.

Another words, my lifestyle is no longer holy or Saint like.  I’m not producing the fruits of the Holy Spirit because I had not been letting it control my life.  I’ve been taking matters into my own hands.  I want to be in control and do whatever I want.  I should know better because in the past, I was never able to control my own future.  I let peer pressure dictate my decisions.  I let lust control my relationship.  I let pride get in the way of finding true and caring friends.  I didn’t have any goals or real purpose in life.

Now, God has equipped me with the talents to plant the seeds properly.  I shall not let the seeds fall on hard soil, where it won’t take much root.  I shall not let the seeds fall on weeds, where it won’t grow as much.   I must find the good soil, where the seeds can take root and grow without anything stifling it.  I believe it means slowly finding a way of reading the word, so that they’ll take root in my heart.  It means I clear my life from the distractions of this world that can hinder my growth.

I’ll need to get back to basics, be less ambitious, and know my limits.  I believe God will show me the way if I just ask.  I’ve already open my mind, heart, and soul.  I just have to make sure I slowly walk towards His glory.

Thank you Jesus for coming to this earth and die for our sins.  You have shown me the ultimate way to sow the seeds of life: By sacrificing your life.  Your love for us is great and can not be equalled.  But teach me, Lord, to be as good as you.   Teach me your ways.  I’m ready to learn it all again.  Let your birth be the mark of my spiritual renewal.  I don’t want to forget your sacrifice.  I want to grow and be holy again.  In your name.  Amen.

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Nov 09 2008

Proposition 8: Morality, Rights, and Democracy

Published by under Genesis,Malachi,Mark

One of most the intense moral, political, and legal issue is California’s Proposition 8: Banning Same-Sex Marriage. It hits closer to home.  My opinion on Proposition 8 is not about discrimination, but rather the twisted lies and deceit set forth by the people who are against it.

I support Proposition 8.

It’s not about hate of fellow human beings. It’s not about the tax breaks. It’s not about denying health care access to anyone.

It is about moral standards set by God.

The bible says marriage is for a man and woman, sacred, and must be protected. It also says that homosexuality lifestyle is a sin. As a Christian, I have to abide by what the bible says because it is God’s word.

It is about my parental rights.

I don’t want my daughter to be forced to learn about homosexuality at an early age. My wife and I will decide when she’s old enough to understand and form her own opinion on the subject. The State’s public school system must not force the idea that same-sex parents is acceptable. Anyone who is religious clearly disagrees. Just as the atheists are against at the idea of the Lord’s Prayer in our schools, we want our rights to go against any immoral teachings. As parents, we decide what’s right for our child’s education. We should not have to go to jail because we protested against the public school’s enforcement of same-sex marriage education, like they did to David Parker in Lexington, Massachusetts.

It is about democracy.

America’s forefathers were Christians, and they set the principles and ethics for this country in a constitution based on God. They made this country great. In year 2000, the people clearly voted against same-sex marriage. However, it saddens me to learn the about judges who decided to overturn this democratic outcome. Here we are now, in 2008, again with the people voted against same-sex marriage. This is America: We Vote – for the good of the many, not the few. The people has clearly spoken.  We don’t use scare tactics and hide behind “civil rights” arguments. Bill Daily’s comment on Louis Gray’s blog has pretty much echoed my conclusion: It turns out the church and its members’ rights are the one being cast aside.

I’ve known many people who are gay. They’re nice and loving people, just like me. What is different is their lifestyle, and that’s the only thing I don’t agree with. However, that doesn’t stop me from caring or talking with them. Most of my church-going and Bible-believing friends have the same view. People may argue that the church should not force their views on every one else, but it also applies to everyone else not forcing the issue on the church and its members. The definition of marriage between man and woman have not changed for thousands of years. Why should 2% of the world population suddenly make it mandatory for that to change?

Proposition 8 is about the people’s rights, and that means for BOTH SIDES have to be respected. Children must not be the pawn of this argument. Democracy must still be used before we make any big changes to system. Being informed is required for everyone, avoiding finger pointing and lies. All it takes is a little civility, and treat each with respect and dignity.

God, I pray that you will give us, the patience and grace to handle this issue.  Give us the abundance of love for each other, that we don’t simply get angry at each other.  Rather, we want to be able to agree to disagree, and decide on the matter in a democratic and civilized way.  Let your will be done, Lord.  Amen.

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Jan 17 2008

Giving myself to God

Published by under Mark,Philippians

Everyday I go to work, I ask myself what can I do to help others? But I have a confession to make. I also tell myself that I will get a reward for it, such as my salary, or recognition from my peers and manager. What I seem to quite often take for granted is that I am doing this for God. It’s not enough that I give my time and resources to help others, but I also have to give myself. I have to be available, and I have to have a willing heart. The bible says in Philippians 2:14-16,

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.

I don’t sacrifice myself for others, for nothing. I do it for God. I don’t stop on a work day either, it has to be every day. Even during my rest day, as Jesus did when He healed during sabbath.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for giving yourself up on the cross for me. I thank you for the saving my life, so I may save others. Please give me the strength and discernment to serve others without complaining or expecting earthly rewards. I am weak and you are strong. Please accept my sacrifice. Amen.

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Nov 03 2007

Heart of worship

Published by under 40 Days of Purpose,Mark,Songs

Which is more pleasing to God right now – my public worship or my private worship? What will I do about this?

The Purpose Driven Life, p. 106

It is hard for me, as a busy IT professional and a family life, to have free time. Like I previously blogged, I get most of my “worship” time in the car during commute. Now I realize that God is not looking for a routine, or even quantity time. He’s looking for quality time, even if it’s only a few minutes. However, I must know where my heart is when I worship God. When my attitude is correct, God is pleased. My private worship is to sing, pray, and talk to God constantly.

My public worship was, so far, going to church, to sing and listen for God’s words. I will also witness God’s message to others, but that doesn’t happen as often as I wanted to. This blog is another form of my public worship. God had planted this idea in me for over a year, but I was too stubborn to follow through. Now that it’s already rolling, I am glad God gives me this avenue to share His word with others.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

Mark 12:30 (NIV)
Also a praise and worship song from Lincoln Brewster‘s “Love the Lord”.

Additionally, one my favourite song that describes the right attitude of worship is from Matt Redman‘s “Heart of Worship”:

When the music fades and all is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring something that’s of worth
That will bless Your heart

I’ll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You’re looking into my heart

I’m coming back to the heart of worship
And it’s all about You
All about You, Jesus
I’m sorry, Lord, for the things I’ve made it
When it’s all about You
All about You, Jesus

King of endless worth, no one could express
How much You deserve
Though I’m weak and poor, all I have is Yours
Every single breath

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